
admin2019-04-11  72

问题    主张治史要将史料竭泽而渔的陈垣,同样苦于近代史料的漫无边际。他说:“史料愈近愈繁。凡道光以来一切档案、碑传、文集、笔记、报章、杂志,皆为史料。如此搜集,颇不容易。”于是主张:“宜分类研究,收缩范围,按外交、政治、教育、学术、文学、美术、宗教思想、社会经济、工商业等,逐类研究,较有把握。且既认定门类,搜集材料亦较易。”这与近代以来西学影响下分科治学的时尚相一致。清季学人如刘师培等将中国既有学问附会西学分支,胡适、梁启超等人的整理国故,也着重提倡专史研究。影响之下,专史或专题研究形成风气,对此后学人的学术取向制约深远。


答案 Chen Yuan, the great historian who insisted on the importance of exhausting relevant source materials for any particular study, was also frustrated with the enormous quantity of historical literature. "The more recent an event, the greater amount of literature we have on it. " He once said, "In fact, everything written since the reign of Emperor Daoguang — archives, tablet inscriptions, literary works, essay collections, articles and reports on newspapers and magazines — can serve as source materials, and consequently it is difficult for the scholar to locate and collect relevant materials. " He went on to suggest that "historical study should be split up into smaller disciplines like foreign affairs, politics, education, learning, literature , fine arts, religion, social economy, industry and commerce, etc. , both for the sake of better research and for the convenience in gathering materials. " This idea conformed to the broad trend toward specialization in learning under the influence of the West. Some scholars in late Qing period, Liu Shipei for one, even went so far as to classify Chinese learning into some disciplines of Western science. Hu Shih and Liang Qichao, two most influential scholars of the early 20th century China, were actually encouraging scholars to specialize in smaller fields in historical study when they strongly advocated the systematization of Chinese classic learning. Their ideas have helped create an atmosphere of specialized studies in history, exerting profound influence on later scholars.

