
admin2013-06-12  72

问题     一切都是虚荣,人人皆爱虚荣.女人极其虚荣,男人也不甘落后—如果可能,他们则变本加厉。孩子也不例外,尤其是女孩子。其中一个正敲着我的腿,她想知道我对她的新鞋有何看法。坦白地说,这两只鞋并不怎么样,它们既不对称也没有曲线美,看上去有种无法形容的臃肿(同时我也相信它们穿在了错误的脚上)。但我没有这样说,她想要的不是批评而是奉承;虽然我觉得有失体面,但还是把她的鞋大大夸了一通。除此以外,什么也不能让这个固执己见的小天使满意。有一次,我试着像个朋友一样,委婉而推心置腹地规劝她,结果并不乐观。


答案 All is vanity and everybody’s vain. Women are terribly vain. So are men--more so, if possible. So are children, particularly girls. One of them at this very moment is hammering upon my legs. She wants to know what I think of her new shoes. Candidly I don’t think much of them. They lack symmetry and curve and possess an indescribable appearance of lumpiness (I believe, too, they were put on the wrong feet). But I don’t shy this. It is not criticism, but flattery that she wants; and I gush over them with what I feel to myself to be degrading effusiveness. Nothing else would satisfy this self-opinionated cherub. I tried to persuade her in a roundabout way like a friend on one occasion, but it was not a success.

