A、Positive. B、Disappointed. C、Neutral. D、Objective. A题目问Susan对APP计时器的态度。录音中最后一句,Susan表示她想要去试试有计时器的APP,说明她对该发明持积极态度,A项正确。B项“失望的”、

admin2023-01-28  45

M: Susan, how long do you spend op your smartphone?
W: My smartphone? Not that long really, only about 18 or 19 hours.
M: No, sorry, I meant in a day, not in a week.
W: Er, that’s what I meant too, Charles—a day.
M: Oh, wow! You spend too much time on it.
W: Well. I should tell you that I suffer from FOMO.
M: FOMO? What does it mean?
W: FOMO—Fear of Missing Out. Something cool or interesting might be happening somewhere, Charles, and I want to be sure I catch it, so I have to keep checking my phone, to make sure, you know, I don’t miss out on anything.
M: I could call you a phubber—you ignore other people because you’d rather look at your phone.
W: Oh, yeah, that’s right. I check my phone compulsively. I can’t really control it. I feel I have to do it again and again.
M: It’s a feature of being addicted to smartphone! It sounds like you have a bit of a problem there, Susan. But you’re not the only one. Half of teenagers in the USA feel like they are addicted to their mobile phones… Er… We often hear about people being addicted to drugs or alcohol, but people can be addicted to other things too, like mobile phones. So, Susan, do you think you’re addicted to your phone? How long could you go without it? Susan? Susan!
W: Sorry, Charles, yes, well I think if I went more than a minute, I’d probably get sort of sweaty palms and I think I’d start feeling a bit panicky.
M: Oh dear! I shall tell you, we can get so involved in our phones that we don’t notice the time passing and when we finally look up, we realise that maybe an hour has gone. Sort of danger, right?
W: Oh, I must say, I find that to be true for me, especially when I’m watching videos online. They pull you in with more and more videos and I’ve spent ages just getting lost in video after video.
M: Actually, some tech companies are now looking at building in timers to apps which will warn us when we have spent too long on them. Do you think it’s a good idea?
W: That would be helpful. People would look at social media less frequently and they do what it really should be used for. These apps remind people that they should spend more time in face-to-face interaction
M: So timer will not only remind us of time, but also a healthier lifestyle.
W: Exactly! I’d like to try one with timer.
6. How long does Susan spend on smartphone per day?
7. What can we learn about FOMO?
8. What is the feature of people addicted to smartphone?
9. What do tech companies aim for by building in timers to apps?
10. What is Susan’s attitude towards app timers?

选项 A、Positive.


解析 题目问Susan对APP计时器的态度。录音中最后一句,Susan表示她想要去试试有计时器的APP,说明她对该发明持积极态度,A项正确。B项“失望的”、C项“中立的”和D项“客观的”均不恰当。
