Patrick usually provides child care for six children. Parents leave their children at Patrick’s house in the morning and pick th

admin2019-11-17  28

问题 Patrick usually provides child care for six children. Parents leave their children at Patrick’s house in the morning and pick them up after work. At the end of each workweek, the parents pay Patrick at an hourly rate for the child care provided that week. The weekly income Patrick receives is usually adequate but not always uniform, particularly in the winter, when children are likely to get sick and be unpredictably absent.
Which of the following plans, if put into effect, has the best prospect of making Patrick’s weekly income both uniform and adequate?

选项 A、Pool resources with a neighbor who provides child care under similar arrangements, so that the two of them cooperate in caring for twice as many children as Patrick currently does.
B、Replace payment by actual hours of child care provided with a fixed weekly fee based upon the number of hours of child care that Patrick would typically be expected to provide.
C、Hire a full-time helper and invest in facilities for providing child care to sick children.
D、Increase the hourly rate to a level that would provide adequate income even in a week when half of the children Patrick usually cares for are absent.
E、Increase the number of hours made available for child care each day, so that parents can leave their children in Patrick’s care for a longer period each day at the current hourly rate.


解析 Evaluation of a Plan
Situation At the end of the workweek, Patrick is paid a certain amount for each hour of child care he has provided. Patrick usually receives adequate weekly income under this arrangement, but in the winter Patrick’s income fluctuates, because children are unpredictably absent due to illness.
Reasoning Which plan would be most likely to meet the two goals of uniform weekly income and adequate weekly income? Patrick must find a way to ensure that his weekly income is both adequate—that is, no t reduced significantly from current levels—and uniform—that is, not subject to seasonal or other fluctuations. A successful plan would thus most likely be one that does not increase Patrick’s costs. Further, the plan need not increase Patrick’s weekly income; it must merely ensure that that income is more reliable. It should therefore also provide some way to mitigate the unexpected loss of income from children’s absences.
A This plan might raise Patrick’s income slightly, because he and the neighbor might pay out less in costs if they pool their resources. But this plan would have no effect on the problem that unpredictable absences pose for Patrick’s weekly income.
B Correct. This statement properly identifies a plan that would most likely keep Patrick’s income adequate (he would probably receive approximately the same amount of money per child as he does now) and uniform (he would receive the money regardless of whether a child was present or absent).
C While this plan might somewhat mitigate the unpredictability in Patrick’s income that results from sick children’s absences—because parents would be less likely to keep sick children at home—it would increase Patrick’s costs. Paying a helper and investing in different facilities would reduce Patrick’s income and might thus result in that income being inadequate.
D Under this plan, if we assume that parents did not balk at the increase in Patrick’s hourly rate and find alternative child care, Patrick’s income would most likely be adequate. But this plan would not help make Patrick’s weekly income uniform. His income would continue to fluctuate when children are absent. Remember, there are two goals with regard to Patrick’s income: adequacy and uniformity.
E This plan might increase Patrick’s income, in that he might be paid for more hours of child care each week. The goals here, however, are to make Patrick’s weekly income both adequate and uniform, and this plan does not address the issue of uniformity.
The correct answer is B.
