女士们、先生们: 晚上好。 我想首先扼要地说一下中国的现状。大家知道,中国实行改革开放已走过了25年。在短短的四 分之一个世纪里,中国取得了前所未有的重大进步和发展。25年前,中国的GDP只有l,473亿美元, 而去年已达到14,000

admin2010-01-10  113

问题     女士们、先生们:
    我想首先扼要地说一下中国的现状。大家知道,中国实行改革开放已走过了25年。在短短的四 分之一个世纪里,中国取得了前所未有的重大进步和发展。25年前,中国的GDP只有l,473亿美元, 而去年已达到14,000多亿美元,增长近10倍;25年前,中国的贫困人口有2亿5千万,目前已下 降到3,000万人左右。毫不夸张地说,这25年是中国历史上最辉煌的一页。[TONE]∥[TONE]
    中美关系是中国最重要的双边关系之一。建交25年来,两国关系走过了一条很不平坦的道路,但总的方向是不断地向前发展。建交前,中美贸易额不足25亿美元。今天已超过1,000亿美元,两 国已互为重要的贸易伙伴。建交前,中美两国民间交往几乎为零。目前,两国人员往来每年超过 百万人次。中国有6万多名年轻人在美国学习,美国也有3,000多人在中国学习。[TONE]∥[TONE]
    作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美两国近年来的共同利益不断增加,合作的领域在不断地扩大和深化。不论在经贸、金融、环保、防治艾滋病方面,还是在反恐、朝核、防 扩散等领域,或是在联合国等多边机制中,我们都可以轻易地列举出许许多多的生动事例。这些都 为进一步拓宽双方的战略合作提供了更好的空间与基础。[TONE]∥[TONE]
    当前,人类和平与发展面临诸多挑战,世界的未来充满了变数。各种传统的安全问题,如边界冲突、民族矛盾、宗教恩怨等依然存在。恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、环境污染、毒品走私等非传统的安 全威胁又在迅速蔓延。[TONE]∥[TONE]
    我注意到一个现象:美国年轻人最喜欢的体育运动,如篮球、棒球、橄榄球等,都是最讲求团队精神的运动。维护国际和平与安全也需要团队与合作精神。在全球化日益发展的今天,面对跨国 性挑战和威胁,任何单个国家都无法独善其身,即便它拥有无与伦比的军事和经济力量。国际社会 只有携手合作,才能实现彼此真正的和平与安全。[TONE]∥[TONE]   


答案 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. Let me begin by briefly talking about China’s curTent situation. As you all know, China introduced thepolicy of reform and opening up 25 years ago. In the short span of a quarter century,China has achievedunprecedented progress in its development. 25 years ago, China’s GDP was only 147.3 billion US dollars. Last year, it exceeded 1,400 billion, an increase of almost 10 times. 25 years ago, more than 250 million people were living below the poverty line. Last year, the figure was reduced to less than 30 million. It iscertainly not an overstatement to say that the past 25 years constitute a most glorious chapter in the annals ofthe Chinese history. Sino-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations for China. Since the establishment ofdiplomatic relations 25 years ago, they have enjoyed continued progress, despite twists and turns. Before theestablishment of diplomatic ties, Sino-US trade volume was less than 2.5 billion USD. Now, the volume isover 100 billion. The two countries have become each other’s major trade partners. People-to-people contactsused to be virtually nonexistent. Today, our annual two-way exchanges amount to several million persons.Over 60,000 Chinese students are studying in your country, and more than 3,000 Americans are takingcourses in China. The United Sates is the largest developed country, while China is the largest developing country. Thetwo countries are having more and more common interests, and the areas of cooperation are expanding. Fromeconomic relations and trade to environmental protection and AIDS prevention, and to anti-terrorism, Koreannuclear issue and nonproliferation, and in our bilateral relations and in multilateral organizations such asthe United Nations, one can find many examples of cooperation. All this has helped broaden the scope andconsolidate the foundation of our strategic interests. Mankind is faced with numerous challenges in its endeavor for peace and development. The future of theworld is full of variables. While the traditional security issues such as border conflicts, ethnic disputes, andreligious grievances still exist; new security problems are cropping up in the form of terrorism, transnationalcrimes, environmental degradation and drug trafficking. I have noticed that basketball, baseball and football are the most favorite sports for American youth. Allthese sports manifest and require a strong team spirit. Maintaining world peace and security also requiresthat spirit. With the fast development of globalization and transnational challenges and threats, no countrycan develop itself in seclusion, even it is in possession of unparalleled military and economic might. Theinternational community can only choose cooperation to realize true peace and security.

