
admin2021-08-09  13

问题     威尼斯是意大利东海岸对东方贸易的三大港口之一,其余的两个是它南边的巴利和北边的特利斯提。在它的繁盛的时代,就是公元后十三世纪,那时是中国的元朝,有个商人名叫马可波罗曾到过中国,在扬州作过官。他在中国住了二十多年,回到威尼斯之后,写了一本游记,极称中国文物之盛。在他的游记里,曾仔细地描写过芦沟桥,因此直到现在,欧洲人还把芦沟桥称作马可波罗桥。


答案Venice is one of the three major ports in the east coast of Italy which focus on the trade with the Orient, and the other two is the port of Bari to its south and the port of Trieste to its north. Venice enjoyed its prosperity during the 13th century, which corresponds to the Yuan dynasty in China. Marco Polo, a merchant from Venice, visited China at that time, and worked as a government official in Yangzhou. Marco Polo had lived in China for more than twenty years, and when he came back to Venice, he wrote a travel note in which he speaks highly of China’s rich cultural relics. In his book, he carefully described the bridge Lugouqiao and that is why up until now it’s still called the Marco Polo Bridge by Europeans.

解析 1.第一句中,“港口”可翻译为ports,“对东方贸易”可翻译为the trade with the Orient;“威尼斯巴利”和“特利斯提”是地名,考生应注意平常积累此类词汇,本文中三座港口分别是Venice,Bari和Trieste。
2.第二句可分译成两句,先讲关于威尼斯的信息,再讲关于马可波罗的信息。“是中国的元朝”中的“是”此处表示“对应”的意思,可译为corresponds,“马可波罗”即历史人物Marco Polo,“作官”翻译为worked as a government official。
3.第三句中,“游记”可翻译为travel note, “极称”指“高度评价”,可翻译为speaks highly of,“文物”此处指“文化遗产”,可译为cultural relics。
4.第四句中,“直到现在”可翻译为up until now,“称作”可译为被动语态is still called,以增加段落中句型的多样性。
