•The bar chart below shows the sales figures of a college bookstore which was broken down into different categories according to

admin2021-09-02  43

问题    •The bar chart below shows the sales figures of a college bookstore which was broken down into different categories according to the types of items and clients.
   •Using the information from the chart,write a report of the outstanding features of the sales figures.
   •Write 120-140 words.


答案 The bar chart below shows the sales of a college bookstore.The client types include:book club member,college staff,college students and members of public.Among them,college students buy the most,over 1500.The majority purchased by.them is magazines.Book club members are the second largest type of clients.Over 1100 are sold. However.to book club members,they are more likely tO buy non-fiction books.To other two types, the sales of magazines outnumbered the total amount of non-fiction books and fiction book. To conclude,magazines are the category of publications with the 1argest sale and college students make the largest purchase in comparison with the other three types of customers.

解析    1.The majority purchased by them:他们家的大部分。
   2.Book club members are the second largest type ofclients:图书俱乐部成员是第二大顾客群。
   3.To other tWO types,the sales of magazines outnumbered the total amount of non-fiction books and fiction book:对于另外两大顾客群,杂志的购买量超出非小说与小说书之和。
