The only solid pieces of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature.

admin2005-11-28  67

问题     The only solid pieces of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature. Indeed, I regard this as the major discovery of the past hundred years of biology. It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment to be told by any of us how little we know and how bewildering seems the way ahead. It is this sudden confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance that represents the most significant contribution of the 20th century science to the human intellect. In earlier times, we either pretended to understand how things worked or ignored the problem, or simply made up stories to fill the gaps. Now that we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far from being answered. It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant; the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance, the worst spots and here and there the not-so-had spots.


答案 我们对自然界知之甚少,这是我感到确信的唯一坚实的科学真理。我的确将此看作是过去100年里生物学的主要发现。假如我们中有人告诉18世纪启蒙运动的先哲们,我们知道的如此之少,前面的路是多么地迷茫,那肯定使他们深感诧异。20世纪科学对人类智慧最重要的贡献就是使我们突然面对我们的无知,且如此之深广。早些时候,我们或者装作明白事物的运作方式,或者忽略这一问题,或者干脆就编造一些所谓的事实来填补空白。既然我们已开始认真地探索,我们隐约看到了问题如此之大,答案又是多么遥不可及。如果你完全无知,那么无知本身倒不是件很坏的事情。难的是详细地了解无知这一事实,发现那些无知的地方和不那么无知的地方。如果没有意识到自己的无知,事情还不会太糟,问题是我们非常清楚自己无知这一事实,以及哪些是最严重的,而哪些方面或这或那又不是如此严重。

