豫园是上海著名的古典园林,已有400多年历史。花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术的风格。园内共有40余景,景色自然迷人,亭台楼阁、假山池塘和谐对称、协调均衡,其布局之精致自古至今闻名江南。 豫园原为明代一位大官的私家花园,始建于1559年,直

admin2014-01-09  45

问题     豫园是上海著名的古典园林,已有400多年历史。花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术的风格。园内共有40余景,景色自然迷人,亭台楼阁、假山池塘和谐对称、协调均衡,其布局之精致自古至今闻名江南。


答案 Yu Yuan Garden is a famous classical garden in Shanghai, with a history of more than 400 years. Ingenious in design, the garden is typical of the southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It has some 40 different scenes, presenting an attractive landscape. The pavilions, terraces, towers, rockeries and ponds are laid out in perfect harmony and balance. This exquisite layout has been renowned in the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times. Yu Yuan Garden was originally a private garden of a high-ranking official in the Ming Dynasty. Its initial construction started in 1559, and it was not completed until 20 years later. Later on, it underwent many changes and suffered repeated devastation. Luckily, by the time Shanghai was liberated in 1949, main scenic points in the garden were still in good condition. After a number of renovations which first began in 1956, Yu Yuan Garden has regained its splendor of the former days.

