A、A fight. B、A traffic accident. C、A sandstorm. D、An earthquake. D男士说“夫人,你能描述一下当时你在做什么吗?”女士说“六点时我还在睡觉,有很恐怖的声响,同时地板裂开像波浪一样地滚动开来。”

admin2010-08-21  29

M: So tedious a job! I can’t concentrate on it any longer. Maybe we should take a nap before we continue.
W: Well, you know people say the physical activity makes you mom alert.
Q: What does the woman imply?
M: Ok, Madam, could you describe what you were doing at the moment?
W: Well, I was still sleeping at 6 o’clock. Then there was this horrible sound and the floor was just cracking and rolling like waves, all at the same time.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、A fight.
B、A traffic accident.
C、A sandstorm.
D、An earthquake.


解析 男士说“夫人,你能描述一下当时你在做什么吗?”女士说“六点时我还在睡觉,有很恐怖的声响,同时地板裂开像波浪一样地滚动开来。”该题问“说话者在讨论什么”。可以看出,说话者在描述地震发生时的情形。故D“地震”为正确答案。
