What is the true definition of a gentleman? This question is not easy to answer completely, but we will try. First of all, a

admin2014-04-28  40

问题     What is the true definition of a gentleman? This question is not easy to answer completely, but we will try.
    First of all, a gentleman is not necessarily a man of wealth, or one who wears fine clothes. It is no question of outer circumstances or appearance; it is the inner nature that distinguishes the gentleman. There are men in the humblest walks of life who are nature’s gentlemen. Without going into complicate analysis, however, we will try to give a general definition. The truest gentleman is the one who in his treatment of others comes nearest to exemplifying the "Golden Rule. " This practically includes all, for upon this rule, all rules of conduct and rules of etiquette, however worldly, are based.
    Some common conceptions of a gentleman are these; a gentleman is always considerate of the feelings of others; he has tact—he knows how to say and to do the right thing at the right time. He is a gentle man —that is to say he is quiet and refined in manner and speech; he does not unduly assert himself. True strength is not loud and boisterous, but quiet and subdued. The manner of a gentleman is characterized by that essence of good manners—repose.


答案 首先,绅士不必身家丰厚,也不必身着华服。外在环境或外表并非问题所在,将绅士区别开来的正是其内在的本性。在最卑微的阶层中也有天生的绅士。我们不做复杂的分析,但将试着给出一个大概的定义。真正的绅士几乎可以为待人的“黄金法则”树立典范。这条法则几乎无所不包,因为不管多么世俗的行为、礼仪法则,都建立在它的基础上。 关于绅士有一些共识:绅士总是顾及他人的感受;他机智应变,所言所行皆符合时间场合。绅士总是温文尔雅,一即言谈举止总是从容优雅;他不会过度表现自己。真正的力量不是靠吵嚷喧闹,而是来自镇静克制。绅士举止的特征正是礼貌行为的关键所在,即沉着。

解析 1.第二段第一句…a gentleman is not necessarily a man of wealth,or one who wears fine clothes可直译为“绅士不必是个富有者,或是个身着华服的人”,活译为“绅士不必身家丰厚,也不必身着华服”则更显简洁。
2.第二句中no question of指“问题不在于……”。后半部分it is the inner nature that…是个强调句,译文应体现这一点。
3.第三句中walks of life指“行业,职业”,可引申为“阶层”。
4.第五句中Golden Rule宜直译为“黄金法则”,而不宜套用汉语成语“金科玉律”,因为后者在汉语中为贬义,常含有讽刺意味。
5.第二段最后一句中使用了倒装,be based upon sth.结构的upon sth.部分被前置。practically在文中指“几乎,简直”。worldly为形容词,指”世俗的”。
7.considerate of“体贴”。
9.第三段第二句中gentle man是个词组,意为“温文尔雅的人”,而不是名词gentleman。
10.unduly assert oneself“过度表现自己”。
11.倒数第二句中loud and boisterous和quiet and subdued均为形容词,可转译为名词“吵嚷喧闹”和“镇静克制”。
12.最后一句中(be)characterized by指“特点在于……,特点是……”。
