A、His time was fully occupied. B、He had some urgent cases to deal with. C、His boss asked him to do extra work. D、Two tablets of

admin2018-05-06  23

W: Sit down, please. What’s your trouble?
M: (16) I have got pain in my belly.
W:When did you get it?
M: It started the day before yesterday. (17) So I just took two tablets of analgesics, and yesterday I went to work as usual. But the pain has become intolerable today. I think I have to come here to ask for an emergency treatment.
W:Is the pain continuous or does it come and go?
M: It is continuous, but sharpens at times, just like a needle prick. (18) At first I had a pain in the upper abdomen and then it shifted to the right lower abdomen.
W: Have you got any diarrhea recently?
M: I don’ t have diarrhea but I vomited twice a day.
W: Did you have any bowel movements or air expelled through the anus in the past few days?
M: I had once today.
W:Well, I am going to take your temperature. Roll up your sleeve. I shall take your blood pressure. Please lie on the table. Bend your legs to relax your abdominal muscles. Let me listen to your chest. Breathe deeply. Do you have any pain in the place where I press? Does it hurt in the exact place where I press?
M:Yes, it does.
W:Lie on the left side please, and I will do a rectal touch for you. Open your mouth and breathe deeply. OK, put on your clothes. Get up. Take this bill to the laboratory.
M: Doctor, what disease have I got?
W: Judging from your case history and the results of
physical examination and the laboratory test, (19) I think you have got acute appendicitis, probably perforated. (20) You should be admitted to hospital for an operation without delay.
M: Thank you, doctor.
16.Why did the man go to see an emergency doctor?
17.Why did he not go to see the doctor immediately after he felt unwell?
18.How did the pain spread to other parts of the body?
19.What disease has the man got?
20.What will the man do next after the diagnosis?

选项 A、His time was fully occupied.
B、He had some urgent cases to deal with.
C、His boss asked him to do extra work.
D、Two tablets of analgesics killed his pain.


解析 题目问的是为什么病人没有第一时间看医生。由定位句可知,病人一开始吃了两片止疼药,故可推断止疼药暂时止疼,所以他没有看医生,故选D。
