Money, time and health concerns Aloom largely in the poll of more than 1,100 women who have at least one living parent. About 20

admin2013-03-27  19

问题 Money, time and health concerns Aloom largely in the poll of more than 1,100 women who have at least one living parent. About 20% said they were very happy. More than half of the women were concerned about Ban elderly relative’s health. Those who had sick relatives were much more likely to feel depressed and to Cworry about Dhaving enough time for family members.



解析 A项所在句是说在民意调查中,对金钱、时间和健康的担心显得很严重,“loom largely”的用法错误,应改为“loom large”,意为“赫然耸立,显得严重”,如:The cares of life did not loom large in night watches for this young man.(对于这个年轻人来说,生活的忧虑在值夜班期间显得没那么严重。)
