That day, he went there very early. He was all smile on the way. All things seem benign to him. The ground there was covered wit

admin2010-02-20  23

问题     That day, he went there very early. He was all smile on the way. All things seem benign to him. The ground there was covered with a mist of bluebells, and nearly a score of crabapple trees were in full bloom. He threw himself clown on the grass. The change from the buttercup glory and oak-goldened glamour of the fields to this ethereal beauty under the gray tot filled him with a sort of wonder; nothing the same, save the sound of running water and the songs of the cuckoos. He lay there a long time, watching the sunlight wheel till the crab -trees threw shadows over the bluebells, his only companions a few wild bees. He was not quite sane, thinking of that morning’s kiss, and of tonight under the apple tree. In such a spot as this fauns and dryads surely live; nymphs, white as the crab -apple blossom, retired within those trees; fauns, brown an the dead bracken, with pointed ears, lay in wait for them. The cuckoos were still calling when he woke, there was the sound of running water; but the sun had couched behind the tot, the hillside was cool, and Some rabbits had come out. Tonight, he thought. Just as from the earth everything was pushing up, unfoldinE under the soft insistent fingers of an unseen hand, so were his heart and senses being pushed, unfolded. He got up and broke off a spray from a crab-apple tree. The buds were beautiful, rose pink, wild, and fresh; and so, too, the opening flowers, white, and wild, and touching. He put the spray into his coat. And all the rush of the spring within him escaped in a triumphant sigh. But the rabbits scurried away. But he had no mind for them. He was looking forward to the exciting hour.


答案 他在那儿躺了很久,看太阳渐渐移动。直到酸苹果树把影子投射在野风信子上,只剩几只野蜜蜂还在做他的伴侣。他并不很清醒,想着早上那一吻,还有今晚苹果树下的密约,这样一个地方,一定有牧神和树神居住着,像酸苹果树的花那么洁白的仙女们,回来安息在这些树里;而像枯蕨那么棕色的、长着尖耳朵的牧神,则躲着等待她们归来。他醒来的时候,岂有此理谷鸟还在叫,河水还在淙淙地流,但是太阳已经隐藏到山冈的后面,山冈上凉飕飕的,只有几只野兔已经出来了。“今天晚上!”他想。他的心和感官也正像万物正在从土中往上生长、在一只无形的手的柔软而执拗的手指之下展开一样,在被推动着展开。他站起来,从酸苹果树上折下一个小花枝。

解析 全文一共有六句,第一句采用“分句法”将原文的分词短语译成句子。第三句采用“语序调整法”,将 nymphs和fauns的后置修饰语全部放在前面作定语。第四句采用“转译法”将running water译成主谓句“河水在流”,第六句采用“语序调整法”将“his heart and senses”译到前面,显得更自然。
