国际新秩序 冷战结束以来,世界形势总体来说趋向缓和。各国人民要和平、求稳定、谋发展的呼声日益高涨。科学技术日新月异的发展,为人类开发和利用自然提供了空前巨大的能力,也为人类自身能力的发展开辟了广阔的前景。但天下仍很不太平,世界的和平与发展依然受到这

admin2018-08-12  47

问题     国际新秩序


答案 New International Order Since the end of the Cold War, the world situation has, generally speaking, moved towards relaxation. There has been an increasingly louder call for peace, stability and development from people of the world. Science and technology, which advance by leads and bounds, have not only provided an unprecedented capacity for mankind to explore and harness nature, but also opened up broad prospects for the development of man’s own ability. But the world is far from tranquil, and world peace and development are still under threat in one way or another. Power politics and hegemony still exist in international politics, economy and security and have further aggravated. Regional conflicts have risen and fallen. The gap in development between North and South continues to widen. Humankind is bothered/ troubled by trans-national problems like environmental degradation, arms proliferation, international crimes and terrorism. If we cannot seize the time to address the series of major problems, the world can hardly develop. With regard to what course to follow and how to resolve those problems, the initiative is in the hands of the people of the world. To contribute to the establishment of a just and rational new international political and economic order is a task of vital importance that people of various countries and longsighted statesmen have to seriously and carefully think/ consider.

