Tech-nomads For more than eight years Achim and I have lived aboard our sail boat Pangaea. Because we are linked to the wide

admin2011-05-18  27

问题                         Tech-nomads
    For more than eight years Achim and I have lived aboard our sail boat Pangaea. Because we are linked to the wider world by a radio modem, our location has become irrelevant when it comes to keeping in touch, making us part of a new breed of world travelers-, tech-nomads (技术流浪人).
    Some traditional sailors avoid the use of communications technology on board. "If you’re going to be so tied to civilization, " they ask, "why leave it at all?" But I’m not a hermit(隐士) . Connectivity has yet to make a romantic South Seas sunset less special to us.
    Going wireless was an evolutionary process. In 1993, before our first Atlantic crossing, high tech meant rowing to land with our laptop computer and finding Europe’s southernmost telephone booth (电话亭) in the Canary Islands to send a fax. Locals on the island of Hierro stuck their noses into the telephone booth, wide-eyed, watching us perform our electronic magic. By 1998 we could remain at our chart table while sending and receiving e-mail. That same year, we took the link a step further and created the first radio-updated Website, pangaea.
    When I transmit our daily location update via e-mail to our friends and family members, I imagine them sinking pins in wall maps all over the world. If they stopped hearing from us, they would forward our last position to search-and-rescue authorities.
    During our first "wired" voyage, Pangaea had some engine trouble, and we had to make a choice between Haiti, Cuba and Jamaica for an emergency repair. Readers, who were "virtually" on board with us, offered advice regarding repair facilities.
    The Internet serves as an emotional lifeline when we are far away from land. The connection we feel with family friends and other website readers helps keep up our spirits and makes the adventure more manageable. We look forward to the day when we can share more of the far reaches of this wonderful planet with anyone who cares to sail with us virtually.
We can infer from the second paragraph that some traditional sailors______.

选项 A、lack communications technology to keep in touch with the outside world
B、avoid the use of communications tools in order to get away from civilization
C、think they will get lost because they don’t have communications technology on board
D、feet it less romantic if they use communications technology on board


解析 本题是细节推理题。题目是:从第二段中我们可以推断出传统的水手______。选择B的依据是第二段中:‘If you’re going to be so tied to civilization,’they ask,‘why leave it at all?“‘如果你们想和文明世界这样联系,”他们问,“为什么要离开它呢?”这些话中体现了传统水手的观点:既然离开文明世界,就没有必要与外界保持如此联系。这与选项B的内容相吻合。所以选项B是正确答案。
