Many successful business executives do not follow the " standard" method for problem solving in business. Typically, business sc

admin2013-01-28  27

问题     Many successful business executives do not follow the " standard" method for problem solving in business. Typically, business schools teach their students to first clarify goals, assess the problem, formulate options and estimate the chances of success before making a decision. Conversely, many real world business decisions are made based on what some senior executives call " intuition". They use hunches and educated guesses to manage large global companies where different departments, networks of information, and complex chains of command force today’s manager to integrate action into the process of analysis.
    Historically, business writers have recognized that some managers rely heavily on intuition. For the most part, however, business writers and the faculty at business schools often display a poor grasp of what intuition is and how it is used, instead, they see it as the opposite of rationality or even as an excuse for capriciousness.
    More recent research, however, demonstrates that executive intuition is in fact neither of these. Rather, executives use intuition in a number of ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem ex-ists. They then rely on intuition to_implement well-learned responses quickly. This type of decisionmaking process is neither arbitrary nor irrational, but is based on years of practice, hand-on experience , and a finely honed sense of when to make a quick decision and when to wait for more information.
    Intuition also allows executives to make decisions based on the "big picture" : a complete integrated understanding of how decisions will affect all facets of the business enterprise. In this way, some managers use intuition as a kind of "gut check" on the results of more rational analysis. "When my people give me numbers," says one multinational CEO, " I go over them to see if they feel right: Numbers don’t always tell the whole truth. " Finally, in today’s fast-paced business world, intuition allows managers to make decisions quickly and effectively without relying on costly and time-consuming in-depth analyses.
    One of the implications of this style of management is that "thinking" is inseparable from acting. " I often know what the answer is even before I see the analysis," says one sales manager, " sometimes in business you need to act first and explain your actions later. "
    Given the uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face, senior managers often instigate a course of action simply to learn more about an issue. Action actually helps them develop a more complete understanding of the issue. With more and more companies relying on their executives to see the "big picture" and think outside the box traditional decision-making strategies may be one of the casualties of globalization.  
From the text, we know that executives use intuition in the following ways EXCEPT______.

选项 A、sense the occurrence of a problem and use experience to solve it
B、evaluate various factors and make employees understand the big picture
C、find out what has been missing in statistical analyses
D、reduce cost and increase efficiency in the process of decision-making


解析 细节题。第三段第三、四句话证实管理人员通过A的方式使用直觉;第四段第二、三句话证实管理人员通过C的方式使用直觉;第四段最后一句话证实管理人员通过D的方式使用直觉。文中只是说管理人员能够根据“全局”做出决策,并没有提到让员工了解全局,所以B与文意不符,故为正确选项。
