The bedroom which she shared with some of the children formed her retreat more continually than ever. Here, under her few square

admin2014-06-02  40

问题     The bedroom which she shared with some of the children formed her retreat more continually than ever. Here, under her few square yards of thatch, she watched winds, and snows, and rains, gorgeous sunsets, and successive moons at their full. So close kept she that at length almost everybody thought she had gone away.
    The only exercise that Tess took at this time was after dark; and it was then, when out in the woods, that she seemed least solitary. She knew how to hit to a hair’s breadth that moment of evening when the light and the darkness are so evenly balanced that the constraint of day and the suspense of night neutralize each other, leaving absolute mental liberty. It is then that the plight of being alive becomes attenuated to its least possible dimensions. She had no fear of the shadows; her sole idea seemed to be to shun mankind—or rather that cold accretion called the world, which, so terrible in the mass, is so unformidable, even pitiable, in its units.


答案 同过去相比,她和几个弟妹们共用的寝室,就成了她常常避难的地方了。就在这间寝室里,就在茅屋下几平方英尺的地方,她看见窗外没有尽头的凄风、苦雨、飞雪,看见无数的灿烂夕阳,看见一轮又一轮圆月。她就这样把自己禁锢在寝室里,后来,差不多所有的人都以为她已经离开这里了。 在这期间,苔丝唯一的活动是在黄昏以后,走出犀外,来到树林里,只有那时候她似乎才不感到孤独。她知道怎样抓住傍晚时分那个极短的时刻,那时候,光明和黑暗恰到好处地得到平衡,白昼的拘束和黑夜的紧张相互得到中和,留下来的只是心灵上的绝对自由。只有在那个时候,活着的苦恼才可能被减少到最小程度。她并不害怕黑夜;她唯一的念头就是避开人类——或者不如说是被称作世界上的冷酷的生命群体,它作为整体是如此令人可怕,而作为个体却又不那样令人害怕,甚至是可怜的。

解析     《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the D’Urbervilles)是哈代(Thomas Hardy)的代表作,是“威塞克斯系列”中的一部。它描写了一位农村姑娘的悲惨命运。哈代在小说的副标题中称女主人公为“一个纯洁的女人”,公开地向维多利亚时代虚伪的社会道德挑战。这个文本选自《德伯家的苔丝》第十三章,描写了苔丝回家带来的激动和引起的兴趣已经不见了,开始感受到了无尽的孤寂。
1.  retreat:本意为“撤退,休息寓所”,在这里的衍生意义为“避难所”。
2.  more continually than ever:如只译成“更加经常”就显得不完整,因此可以译为“同过去相比,……常常……”。“The bedroom which she shared with some of the children formed her retreat more continually than ever.”全句译为:  “同过去相比,她和几个弟妹们一起共用的寝室,就成了她常常避难的地方了。”
4.  yard:英制长度单位,  “码”,但若译成“在茅屋下几平方码的地方”,就显得奇怪,所以我们就将此单位转化成“英尺”,译文为“在茅屋下几平方英尺的地方”。
5.  winds:考虑到文章女主人翁的凄苦心境,故将意义衍生为“凄风”。
6.  snows:原因同上,将意义衍生为“飞雪”。
7.  rains:原因同上,将意义衍生为“苦雨”。
8.  gorgeous sunsets:  “gorgeous”的意思是“华丽的,绚丽的”,要注意“sunsets”是复数,所以翻译时要译出复数的感觉,译文为“看见无数的灿烂夕阳”。
9.  successive moons at their full:  “successive”的意思是“连续的,依次的”,在这里衍生为“一轮又一轮”,  “moons at their full”意指“满月”,所以全句译为“看见一轮又一轮圆月”。 length:最后,最终。
11.  “So close kept she that at length almost everybody thought she had gone away.”这句是强调句,正确语序是“She kept so close that…”,原句强调了“close”,所以翻译时要注意译出强调。全句译为“她就这样把自己禁锢在寝室里,后来,差不多所有的人都以为她已经离开这里了。”另外,英语语句较为整合而中文较为松散,翻译时也应注意。
13.after dark:天黑后,黄昏以后。
14.  “and it was then,when out in the woods,that she seemed least solitary.”这句是“it’s…that…”强调句,  “when out in the woods”是插入语,泽为“她走出屋外,来到树林里”。“then”指代前文的“after dark”;  “least solitary”:最少的孤独,也就是最不孤独,全句译为“她走出屋外,来到树林里,那时候她似乎才不感到孤独。”
15.  “She knew how to hit to a hair’s breadth that moment of evening when the light and the darkness are so evenly balanced that the constraint of day and the suspense of night neutralize each other,leaving absolute mental liberty.”翻译此句时,要注意断句。When引导的时间状语从句可以译为“那时候,光明和黑暗……”来和前面断开。全句译为“她知道怎样抓住傍晚时分极短的那个时刻,那时候,光明和黑暗恰到好处地得到平衡,白昼的拘束和黑夜的紧张相互得到中和,留下来的只是心灵上的绝对自由。”
l6.a hair’s breadth:原意是“千钧一发,即将来临”的意思,这里指极短暂的时间。
17.the constraint of day:白昼的拘束。
18.the suspense of night:黑夜的紧张。  “suspense”原意指“悬念”,这里引申为“紧张”的意思。
20.mental liberty:心灵的自由。
21.plight of being alive:  “plight”的意思是“困境,窘境”,  “plight of being alive”指“活着的苦恼”。
23.least possible dimensions:  “dimension”原意指“规模,尺寸”,这里衍生为“程度”,所以整个词组可以译为“最小的可能程度”。
25.accretion:原意指“增加物,冲积层”,  “that cold accretion called the world”的原意 是“那个被称为地球的冲积而成的寒冷球体”,这里衍生为“被称作世界的冷酷的生命群体”,即前文中提及的“人类”。 the mass:原意是“总体上,总的来说”,而这里的意思则是“作为一个整体”。与后文的“in its units”对应。
