As I am one of that sauntering tribe of mortals, who spend the greatest part of their time in taverns, coffee-houses, and other

admin2015-11-27  21

问题 As I am one of that sauntering tribe of mortals, who spend the greatest part of their time in taverns, coffee-houses, and other places of public resort, I have thereby an opportunity of observing an infinite variety of characters, which, to a person of contemplative turn, is a much higher entertainment than a view of all the curiosities of art or nature.
Amongst a multiplicity of other topics, we took occasion to talk of the different characters of the several nations of Europe; when one of the gentlemen, cocking his hat, and assuming such an air of importance as if he had possessed all the merit of the English nation in his own person, declared that the Dutch were a parcel of avaricious wretches; the French a set of flattering sycophants; that the Germans were drunken sots, and beastly gluttons; and the Spaniards proud, haughty, and surly tyrants; but that in bravery, generosity, clemency, and in every other virtue, the English excelled all the rest of the world.


答案 本人当属闲逛族,把大好时光消磨在酒馆、咖啡屋和其他玩乐场所,由此也获得了观察各色各样人物的机缘。对于一个惯于沉思默想的人来说,这方面带来的乐趣比从艺术或自然的奇特性中获得的乐趣要有意思得多。 在一大堆话题中,我们选择了欧洲几个国家国民的不同性格作为我们的讨论题目。话题刚一确定,就有那么一位先生,帽子歪翘,一副自以为了不起的神情,似乎英国国民的所有美德都集中到了他身上,开口宣布道:荷兰人是一群贪婪的小人;法国人是一帮溜须谄媚者;德国人是一群醉鬼,一群饕餮之徒,如兽类一般;西班牙人则是一群傲慢、趾高气扬、飞扬跋扈、专横暴虐之众;而英国人,无论是在勇敢、慷慨、仁慈还是在其他一些品德方面,都要胜过其他国家的人一筹。

解析 1.在英译汉的过程中,由于两种语言在语法和表达习惯上的差异,通常需要转换词性,最常见的是名词转化成动词,如第一段中的contemplative turn译为“惯于沉思默想”;a view of allthe curiosities of art or nature译为“从艺术或自然的奇特性中获得的乐趣”。
2.第一段是一个很长的英文句子,注意要拆开翻译,其中sauntering tribe of mortals译为“闲逛族”,“族”这个字既能译出tribe的“意”,也能译出tribe的“味”;另外infinite从修饰variety变为修饰opportunity,这样更符合汉语习惯。
3.第二段中的cocking his hat译为“帽子歪翘”,an air of importance译为“一副自以为了不起的神情”。
