For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Many hands make light work." You can cite

admin2020-12-08  17

问题    For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Many hands make light work." You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of cooperation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


答案 Cooperation Senior scholars use the simple saying "Many hands make light work" to tell us a fine philosophy of life: cooperation. Definitely, no one can deny its importance. Nowadays, cooperation has become absolutely necessary in our daily life. When facing difficulties, we should cooperate effectively with people around us, and then we are not powerless individuals anymore. Thus we are capable of overcoming many difficulties lying ahead of us. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of cooperation, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: After the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, Wenchuan was destroyed, leaving only debris and ruins. However, with the nationwide cooperation, the place took on a new view at a rapid speed. In a word, we should always bear in mind that four eyes see more than two and through shared efforts, those once-deemed-unattainable tasks for one single person can be successfully accomplished.

