多数科学家相信,石油是由数万亿年之前亿万个生活在海洋里的微小动植物遗体的分解物形成的。在这些生物死亡之后,遗体即腐烂,经过数百万年之后,便在海洋底部形成了矿泥层;由于地壳运动的挤压和由此产生的热量的共同作用,这些矿泥层就变成了石油。 石油分馏物(组

admin2019-04-11  80

问题     多数科学家相信,石油是由数万亿年之前亿万个生活在海洋里的微小动植物遗体的分解物形成的。在这些生物死亡之后,遗体即腐烂,经过数百万年之后,便在海洋底部形成了矿泥层;由于地壳运动的挤压和由此产生的热量的共同作用,这些矿泥层就变成了石油。


答案 Most scientists believe that crude oil is formed by the decomposed remains of countless billions of tiny plants and animals which lived in the sea tens of trillions of years ago. Once these creatures died, their bodies would decompose, and then formed slime layers in the deep sea millions of years later. With common reaction of the extrusion of the crustal movement and the resulting heat, these slime layers would become oil. Petroleum distillates (which form the mixture of oil) and its byproducts are innumerable, which include: gasoline for cars, diesel for trains, buses, cargo trucks, lubricating oil for all kinds of engines , heavy fuel for power stations and ships, pitch for pacing, and petrochemicals for manufacturing plastics, synthetic fibre, or even fabricated food, etc. At present, it is hard to imagine a world without oil products.

