A、He has just recovered from the flu. B、He won’t be able to go to the play. C、He heard that the play isn’t very good. D、He has a

admin2018-05-06  19

W: I thought Melanie was going to wear that pretty red wool coat you bought her.
M: She couldn’t wear it because it made her break out in a rash.
Q: What do we infer from this conversation?
W: So are you going to see the student play tonight?
M: I doubt it. I’m still getting over(恢复) the flu.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He has just recovered from the flu.
B、He won’t be able to go to the play.
C、He heard that the play isn’t very good.
D、He has already seen the play.


解析 女士问的是男士今晚去不去看演出,男士回答的是不确定,因为他流感刚好,故选A。
