It looked just like another aircraft from the outside. The pilot told his young passengers that it was built in 1964. But appear

admin2022-07-19  33

问题     It looked just like another aircraft from the outside. The pilot told his young passengers that it was built in 1964. But appearances were deceptive, and the 13 students from Europe and the USA who boarded the aircraft were in for the flight of their lives.
    Inside, the area that normally had seats had become a long white tunnel. Heavily padded from floor to ceiling, it looked a bit strange. There were almost no windows, but lights along the padded walls illuminated it. Most of the seats had been taken out, apart from a few at the back, where the young scientists quickly took their places with a look of fear.
    For 12 months, science students from across the continents had competed to win a place on the flight at the invitation of the European Space Agency. The challenge had been to suggest imaginative experiments to be conducted in weightless conditions.
    For the next two hours, the flight resembled that of an enormous bird which had lost its reason, shooting upwards towards the heavens before rushing towards Earth. The invention was to achieve weightlessness for a few seconds.
    The aircraft took off smoothly enough, but any feelings that I and the young scientists had that we were on anything like a scheduled passenger service were quickly dismissed when the pilot put the plane into a 45-degree climb which lasted around 20 seconds. Then the engines cut out and we became weightless. Everything became confused and left or right, up or down no longer had any meaning. After ten seconds of free-fall descent the pilot pulled the aircraft out of its nosedive. The return of gravity was less immediate than its loss, but was still sudden enough to ensure that some students came down with a bump.
    Each time the pilot cut the engines and we became weightless, a new team conducted its experiment.
    First it was the Dutch who wanted to discover how it is that cats always land on their feet. Then the German team who conducted a successful experiment on a traditional building method to see if it could be used for building a future space station. The Americans had an idea to create solar sails that could be used by satellites.
    After two hours of going up and down in the plane doing their experiments, the predominant feeling was one of excitement rather than sickness. Most of the students thought it was an unforgettable experience and one they would be keen to repeat.
What did the writer say about the plane?

选项 A、It had no seats.
B、It was painted white.
C、It had no windows.
D、The outside was misleading.


解析 本题关键词是plane,问题是:关于这架飞机作者谈到了什么?定位到第一、二段。第一段第一句和第三句提到,从外面来看这就像是一架普通的飞机(aircraft),但外表是具有欺骗性的(deceptive),由此可知这架飞机并不像其外表看起来那么简单。选项D的misleading (误导的)与原文的deceptive(欺骗的)属于同义替换,为正确选项。第二段第四句话讲到除了后排的一些座位外,大多数座位都被拆除了,由此可以看出这架飞机上还是有座位的,因此选项A曲解文意。第二段第一句话讲到原本设置座位的区域变成了一条长长的白色通道,并没有说飞机整体被刷成了白色,所以选项B无中生有。第二段第三句讲到几乎(almost)没有窗户,几乎没有不等于一个都没有,因此选项C过于绝对。本题关键词是young scientists和felt,问题是:年轻科学家们飞行前是什么感受?定位到第二段第四句话。
