In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and express your own opinion.

admin2021-04-01  49

问题     In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and express your own opinion. You should write at least 150 words.


答案 Levi’s, Burberry and Calvin Klein are some of the most sought-after brands among college students. They claim that these brands give them confidence and superiority. I, however, do not agree with them. I do not think college students should pursue famous brands. First of all, famous brands are often luxury ones. As we are aware, the majority of students are still short of income sources. If they want an expensive product, usually they have to lead a miserable and debt-ridden life. Secondly, the chase of famous brands would inadvertently lead students into a trap of "materialism". They are convinced that buying things could get you the sexy figure you don’t have or the refined taste that is elusive to you. Bit by bit, students are trained to fill the emotional void with different material products, ending up with a more insecure state of mind. In conclusion, college student should be cautioned against the negative impacts of pursuing famous brands. Their money could be better spent on their health and study.

解析 本题要求考生对“大学生是否应该追求名牌”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段从李维斯、巴宝莉和CK等名牌入题,指出大学生不应该追求名牌。第二段阐述原因:其一,名牌通常都是奢侈品牌,学生收入来源不稳定,难以负担得起。其二,追逐名牌会不经意间让学生陷入物质主义的陷阱中。第三段重申观点:大学生应对追逐名牌的负面影响有所警惕。
