Ladies and Gentlemen, This is my third visit to Africa. Africa has abundant natural resources and a huge development potentia

admin2017-02-22  36



答案Ladies and Gentlemen, This is my third visit to Africa. Africa has abundant natural resources and a huge development potential. Even though having suffered colonial domination and plunder for hundreds of years, and still facing considerable difficulties and challenges, the African people are yet industrious, brave, fearless and enterprising. We all are deeply impressed by these. Times are progressing and Africa is advancing. We are pleased to see that, through generations of arduous struggles, decolonization has been completed and racial segregation as an institution abolished throughout the African continent. This is a tremendous contribution to human progress. Decades of relentless efforts have brought about progress in the cause of peace and development in Africa. In recent years, Africa has been working hard to resolve regional conflicts, which results in greater stability in its overall situation. African countries have explored a development path suited to their national conditions, taking economic growth, poverty eradication and improvement of people’s livelihood as their top priority. The economy of Africa has got a sustainable growth for nine years. With the support from the international community, Africa has largely invested in education and personnel training and spared no efforts to address such social problems as HIV/AIDS. African countries have worked hand in hand with other developing countries to promote South-South cooperation and thus play an increasingly important role in the international affairs. The Chinese government and people rejoice at seeing each and every achievement scored by Africa. We are convinced that through the persistent efforts of all the African governments and people and with the support of the international community, Africa will surely be revitalized.

解析    本文是一段关于中国官员访问非洲时的讲话。讲话人简要讲述了非洲的历史、和平与发展事业、教育、社会问题等,并表示了中国政府和人民对非洲的友好态度。
   1.非殖民化    decolonization
   2.和平与发展事业    cause of peace and development
   3.种族隔离    racial segregation
   4.南南合作    South-South cooperation
   5.国际事务    international affairs
   1.自然资源    natural resources
   2.发展潜力    a huge development potential
   3.殖民统治    colonial domination
   4.人类文明进步    human progress
   5.改善民生    improvement of people’s livelihood
   6.国情    national conditions
   7.国际事务    international affairs
   8.经济建设    economic growth
   9.摆脱贫困    poverty eradication
   10.兴办教育    invest in education
