
admin2022-05-23  69

问题     索引和文摘这两种文献包括原材料目录和文献目录。索引包括任何当前出版材料中的无数的文献目录,通常为期刊文章的文献目录。有时候,一些图书馆会主动提供材料,帮助读者查找期刊文章。例如,美国国家医学图书馆已出版了名为Medicus的索引,每月列出全世界3500家生物医学期刊中的文章索引。在其他一些情况下,各科学团体也采取了相应的措施。早在20世纪初,美国化学学会就开始为化学工作者准备索引和文摘,以帮助他们在自己的领域获取相关的文献信息。同时,英国物理研究所在物理领域也采取了类似的步骤。由纽约市H. W. Wilson公司出版的长卷索引目录系列尽管主要限于美国出版界,却涵盖了众多的学术领域,因而蜚声世界,为各国学者广泛使用。这种以某个国家为重点的索引目录在别国也同样有用,如《现行技术索引目录》 (英国) 和《英国教育索引目录》等。
    文献 (希腊语bibliographia,书写之意) 源于“写书”或“抄书”。18世纪以来,此词逐渐变为“一张书单”或其他形式的书面材料,或此类书单的编写技巧。文献通常要提供某些信息,如作者、书目、版本、出版日期和出版地等,也可以包括书的字体、尺寸以及其他一些物理特点等信息。文献往往需要注释,也就是说,需要在附录中简短地注明论述的主题,或对书的实用价值加以评论。文献对学者和以书籍为职业的专业人士如图书收藏者、图书管理员以及书商而言显得尤其重要;对所有严肃的读者来说,也是十分有用的信息源。


答案 Two types of documents, indexes and abstracts, contain catalogs and bibliographies of original materials. Indexes include any of countless bibliographies of currently published materials, primarily articles in periodicals. Sometimes libraries have taken the initiative to create these finding aids for journal articles. For example, the U. S. National Library of Medicine has created Index Medicus, a monthly listing of current articles from some 3, 500 biomedical journals throughout the world. In other cases, scientific societies have taken the initiative. Early in the 20th century, the A-merican Chemical Society began to prepare indexes and abstracts to help chemists obtain information about the literature in their field, and the Institute of Physics in the United Kingdom took a similar responsibility for physics. The long series of indexes published by the H. W. Wilson Company of New York City and covering many different fields is well known and widely used in other counties, though their coverage is mainly limited to American publications. This has resulted in other national efforts, such as the Current Technology Index (Britain) and the British Education Index. Bibliography (bibliograohia in Greek, " the writing of books"), originally means the writing or copying of books. Since the 18 th century, the word has come to mean a list of books or forms of written material, or the technique of compiling such a list. Certain kinds of information are supplied in a bibliography: authors, titles, editions, and dates and places of publication ; style of type, book size, and other physical characteristics may also be included. Frequently, bibliographies are annotated, that is, brief notes indicating the subject treated or commenting on the usefulness of a book are appended. Bibliographies, essential to scholars and those involved professionally with books— collectors, librarians, and dealers—can be useful sources of information for all serious readers.

