A scholar’s professional ethics are essential to his career and in a sense determine his contributions to the public. What do pr

admin2022-08-07  76

问题     A scholar’s professional ethics are essential to his career and in a sense determine his contributions to the public. What do professional ethics really mean, and what is their importance to a scholar?
    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
                                 My View on Professional Ethics of a Scholar
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 My View on Professional Ethics of a Scholar There is no doubt that a distinguished scholar should be learned and creative. Besides these, having good professional ethics is also important to both society and scholars themselves. As far as I’m concerned, good professional ethics of a scholar involve the following aspects. Firstly, an outstanding scholar is never willing to utilize his knowledge to fish for fame and credit. Conversely, he’ll do his utmost to bring benefits to the general public. In order to raise the living standards of people and make our world a better place, he would devote himself to the advancement of technology. Secondly, a respectable scholar should instruct young people selflessly, offer help to those who have trouble with their work, and keep a good relationship with other scholars. When they do scientific researches, mutual communication and teamwork are rather significant. On the basis of trust, great scientific accomplishments will be gained. Furthermore, a good scholar should be loyal to his scientific work and respect the work of others. Never should he allow himself to be involved in plagiarism or false research findings. Finally, a scholar shouldering great duties must be responsible to the society and himself. Before drawing a conclusion, he must ensure that countless tests have been done. Taking all these factors into account, I may safely reach the conclusion that if an excellent scholar wants to win the respect of people and contribute more to people’s benefits, he must have good professional ethics.

解析     本题属于开放型题目,考生可以自由发挥,根据给出的论题提炼出论点。当前社会中出现了一些学者缺乏职业道德的现象,比如有些高校的教授剽窃他人的学术研究成果,有些学者的研究成果不是建立在翔实而准确的实验基础之上等。考生可以论述具有良好职业道德的重要性,也可以论述良好职业道德所应包含的要素,以及缺失职业道德的危害等。范文就学者应有的职业道德提出看法:学者不仅应该学识渊博,而且还应具有高尚的职业道德。
    开头部分本文开头先肯定了杰出的学者应该学识渊博,并具有创造力。接着用“Besides these…”提出本文的论点:具有良好的职业道德对社会和学者自身来说都至关重要。然后用“As far as I’m concerned…”引出自己对良好职业道德所应包含的品质的看法。
    中间部分分 别 用 “Firstly…” “Secondly……Furthermore…”和 “Finally…”引出良好的职业道德所应包含的品质,层次分明,条理清晰。第一,不利用自己的知识沽名钓誉;第二,无私地指导年轻人;此外,忠实于自己的科研成果并尊重其他人的成果;最后,对社会和自身负责,研究成果建立在大量的实验基础之上。
    结尾部分用“Taking all these factors into account…”总结全文,指出学者要想赢得人们的尊重、对人类做出更多的贡献,就必须具备良好的职业道德。
