• Look at the notes below. • You will hear a man telephoning a sports centre. • For each question (9 -15), fill in the missing i

admin2010-08-20  13

问题 • Look at the notes below.
• You will hear a man telephoning a sports centre.
• For each question (9 -15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space, using a word, numbers or letters.
• You will hear the conversation twice.
                                            Customer Details
CUSTOMER NAME:                (9) William ________
COMPANY NAME:                 (10) ________ Ltd
MEMBERSHIP NUMBER:            (11) ________
DATE OF GROUP INTRODUCTION:   (12) ________ November
DISCOUNT OFFERED              (13) ________ %
CONTACT NUMBER                (14) ________
EMAIL ADDRESS:                (15) info@ ________. com
F: Health Sports Centre. Can I help you?
M: Hello, we’re supposed to be customers of yours, but I’ve just seen your opening date’s delayed again.
F: Oh, er ... could I take your name please?
M: Yes, William Darwin.
F: And are you an individual member, sir?
M: No -- I’m the Human Resources manager at NTU Limited.
F: It’s the letters N-T-U.
M: Yes, that’s right. We’ve got twenty members registered with you.
F: Were you given a membership number?
M: Yes, it’s 6 - double 4 - 7 - 3, but I need to know when we can use the facilities.
F: We’re so sorry about the delay. But we are arranging special tours for corporate members in November, to introduce you to the facilities.
M: When would that be?
F: Wednesday ... Could some of you make the next one, on the seventh?
M: That’d be difficult but the thirteenth’d be ...
F: How about fourteenth?
M: OK ...
F: Starting at six?
M: Sure. I’ll see who’d be free that evening.
F: Because of the delay, we’d like to suggest a fee reduction.
M: Yes, we’d expect at least ten per cent.
F: Actually, we’d thought twelve ...
M: That seems very reasonable ... thanks.
F: Great. Can I just confirm your phone number ... 02155 7947317
M: Use my direct line, 794782.
F: Or email?
M: Yes... better.., info-at-cullers-dot-com.
F: At?
M: C-U-double-L-E-R-S dot com.
F: I’ll be in touch tomorrow ...



