
admin2016-06-22  103

问题     中国曾长期实行高度集中的计划经济,把计划看成是绝对的,束缚了生产力的发展。这场金融危机使我们看到,市场也不是万能的,一味放任自由,势必引起经济秩序的混乱和社会分配的不公,最终受到惩罚。真正的市场化改革,决不会把市场机制与国家宏观调控对立起来。既要发挥市场这只看不见的手的作用,又要发挥政府和社会监管这只看得见的手的作用。两手都要硬,两手同时发挥作用,才能实现按照市场规律配置资源,也才能使资源配置合理、协调、平衡、可持续。


答案 For many years in the past, China practiced a highly centralized planned economy and regarded planning as being absolute. This hampered the development of productivity. The ongoing financial crisis has made it clear to us, however, that the market is not a cure-all, either. A totally laissez-faire approach will inevitably lead to economic disorder and unfair social distribution, and will eventually take its toll. A credible market-oriented reform should never set the market against government macro-regulation. The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act, and act vigorously. Only in this way can resources be distributed according to market rules and distributed in a reasonable, coordinated, balanced and sustainable manner.

