
admin2021-08-09  36

问题     我仿佛看见这世间有一个极大、极复杂的网,大大小小的一切事物,都被牢结在这网中。所以当我想把握某一种事物的时候,总要牵动无数根线,带出无数别的事物来,使得本物不能独立而明晰地显现在我的眼前,因而永远不能看见世界的真相。大娘舅在大世界里,只将其与钱相连接的一根线剪断,已能得到满足而归来。所以我想找一把快剪刀,把这个网剪破,然后认识这个世界的真相。


答案I perceive as if there were a huge and complex web in the world in which everything, big and small, is woven. As a result, when I want to grasp a certain kind of thing from the web, countless threads will be tangled and numerous things will be drawn out from the web, leaving the thing involved and veiled in front of me. Therefore, I can never see the truth of the world. Despite the magnificence of the metropolitan world, my eldest maternal uncle got satisfied and was willing to depart from it as long as his connection with money was cut off, so I want to find a pair of sharp scissors to cut the web and see through the world.

解析 1.本文选自丰子恺的散文《剪网》,全文共有四句话,语言较为抽象,翻译时要注意理清文意,用准确的语言表达。
2.第一句中“看见”,除了常见的see、watch等词,还可以用perceive表达,perceive的意思是“注意、察觉不明显的事物”。文章中提到的“网”是类似蛛网一般错综复杂的生活之网,可用web一词表达。“大大小小的事情……被牢结在网中”,可理解所有的事情都被牢牢地织入网中,可译为in which everything,bigand small is woven。
3.第二句,为与上句承接,可用As a result连接。这句话的难点在于既有抽象的“线”,也有具体的“事物”,“牵动无数根线”可译为countless threads will be tangled,“带出无数别的事物来”用as well as与上句连接,译为as well as many other things that trail from the web。“使得本物不能……”,这句作为上一句“牵动……”的结果状语,译为leaving the thing involved and veiled in front of me。
4.第三句中的“大娘舅”指母亲的哥哥,可译为eldest maternal uncle。对“大世界”理解应结合全篇散文,本篇散文的开头提到大娘舅到上海游玩了一趟,“大世界”实指像上海这样的花花世界,故译文译成了metropolitan world。考生若不清楚这一点,也可以将“大世界”译成glorious world。“只将……”表示的是条件,可译为as long as句式。
5.第四句由几个短句组成,意思较简单。“一把快剪刀”可译为a pair of sharp scissors。认识这个世界的真相,上句已经提到“看见世界的真相”,see the truth of the world,为避免重复,可用同义词替换,译为seethrough the world。
