中国新的老年人保护法规定,成年子女必须看望他们年迈的父母。年迈的父母如果感觉被忽视了。可以把他们已成年的孩子告上法庭。法律没有说明子女必须看望父母的频率。法律中也没有说如何执行这项法律,忽略长辈如何惩罚。中国的老年人口增长迅速,由于独生子女政策(the o

admin2013-08-18  65

问题     中国新的老年人保护法规定,成年子女必须看望他们年迈的父母。年迈的父母如果感觉被忽视了。可以把他们已成年的孩子告上法庭。法律没有说明子女必须看望父母的频率。法律中也没有说如何执行这项法律,忽略长辈如何惩罚。中国的老年人口增长迅速,由于独生子女政策(the one—child policy)控制了人口增长,劳动人口缩水。一位帮助起草老年人保护法草案的教授说,立法主要是为了提高老年人需要情感上支持的意识。


答案 China’s new elderly protection law states that adult children must visit their elderly parents. Aging parents can take their adult kids to court if they feel neglected. The law does not state how often a child must visit his or her parents. There is also nothing in the legislation that states how the law would be enforced and what the punishment is for neglecting one’s elderly relatives. The elderly population in China is growing quickly, and the working population is shrinking due to the one-child policy, which was introduced to control population growth. A professor who helped draft the elderly protection law said that the legislation is mainly there to raise awareness for elderly people who need emotional support.

