女士们,先生们: 金秋十月,北京气候宜人,中国国际投资贸易论坛今天在这里隆重召开了。我很高兴能够应邀出席本次论坛,首先我谨代表中华人民共和国商务部向远道而来的国内外朋友表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。[TONE]∥[TONE] 众所周知,通

admin2010-01-10  62

问题     女士们,先生们:
    众所周知,通过双向贸易和投资,中国在世界经济增长中正发挥着日益重要的带动作用。  以去年为例,中国以占世界4%的国内生产总值,对世界经济的增长做出了10%的贡献;以占世界6%的外贸额,为世界贸易的增长做出了12%的贡献。[TONE]∥[TONE]


答案Ladies and Gentlemen, In the golden autumn season of October and with a comfortable climate in Beijing, China International Fair for Investment and Trade opens in here today. I am very pleased to be present at this forum. First of all,on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, I would like to extend a warna welcome and sincere gratitude to allfriends coming from home and abroad. As we know, with mutual trade and investment, China is playing a leading role in world economicgrowth. Take last year for instance, China’s GDP accounted for 4% of that of the world, making 10%contribution to the world economic growth; its trade volume took up 6% of that of the world, contributing12% to the world trade growth. China has huge and growing demand for import. In recent 5 years, China’s import has increased at an average annual rate of over 28%. Such a huge and rapid growth will provide the world with a large market.The Economist points out that after American stock market went bust during 2000--2001, the whole worlddid not go into recession, thanks to China’s momentum development. China and the US are reckoned as twoeconomic locomotives in the world. Ten years ago, some people worried about or doubted whether China could stay stable. Now I’m afraidthat the majority people in the world would not doubt China’s stability any more. As the Chinese saying goes,wind tests grass’ strength and distance tests a horse’s stamina. Another decade passed by, and China is stillstable, and becomes better. Such a long-term stable and orderly environment can also serve as a guarantee forthe foreign investors. Despite of this, I would like to emphasize that China is still a developing country and we still havemany difficulties and problems. As a developing country, many Chinese industries are not internationallycompetitive. However, we are not afraid of pressures and competitions. After the WTO accession, we honoredour commitments by revising about 3,000 laws and regulations and trying to improve the legal system forinternational trade. As a result, great progress has been made in the process of marketization. Ladies and gentlemen, shortly before, our Chinese leaders set a goal of building a harmonioussociety. There is an old saying in China: Friendliness is conducive to business success. That is to say, goodrelationship can bring wealth. China is a friendly state, so we would like to make friends all over the world.While maintaining sustainable development, we are trying to create better environment for all foreigninvestors and bring them more wealth. Thank you.

