AIDS Hitting African Farm Sector Hard Once a largely urban problem, AIDS has moved to rural areas in developing countries, d

admin2016-06-22  90

问题     AIDS Hitting African Farm Sector Hard
    Once a largely urban problem, AIDS has moved to rural areas in developing countries, devastating thousands of farming communities and leaving impoverished survivors scarcely able to feed themselves. The disease is no longer a health problem alone, but is having a measurable impact on food production, household food security and rural people’ s ability to make a living.
    The latest statistical evidence on sub-Saharan Africa—the worsthit region—confirms the scale of the epidemic’ s impact on the countryside.
    It is estimated that over half of the 28 million people living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa live in rural areas. In order to estimate such figures, epidemiologists start with data taken from tests done on blood samples from pregnant women attending prenatal clinics. They then extrapolate the figures to estimate infection rates in larger areas. Recent findings point to two of the hardest-hit countries— Zimbabwe and Swaziland.
    "This is a real wake-up call for governments," says an expert on AIDS "Policy-makers are guided by evidence. Solid evidence is now coming in and will make governments understand how rural areas are actually more vulnerable to AIDS than urban areas.
    Recent reports from other African countries show a similar pattern of rampant rural infection.
    Poverty underlies the suffering and devastation behind these figures. The HIV/AIDS epidemic cannot be addressed without doing something about rural livelihoods: how people make their living, how they get enough food, what strategies they follow in order to survive.


答案 艾滋病重创非洲农业 以前,艾滋病主要是一个存在于城市的问题,而现在艾滋病已经转向发展中国家的农村地区,摧毁了数以千计的农村社区,使穷困的幸存者们无以为生。这一疾病已不再是单纯的健康问题,而正在对食品生产、家用食品安全和农村人口谋生能力造成明显的冲击。 撒哈拉以南非洲地区受艾滋病打击最重;最新的统计数字已证实这一流行病对其农村地区造成了严重的影响。 据估计,撒哈拉以南非洲地区的2800万艾滋病人或艾滋病病毒携带者中,有一半以上生活在农村地区。为了对这一数字进行评估,流行病学家们首先从参加产前咨询的孕妇身上抽取血样进行化验,取得数据,然后推测出数字,对更广大地区的传染率进行估计。最近的研究结果表明,受传染最严重的两个国家是津巴布韦和斯威士兰。 “这对各国政府来说是个真正的警钟,”一位艾滋病专家说。“决策者们是跟着证据走的,现在已经有确凿的证据使各国政府明白,农村地区的确比城市更客易受到艾滋病的侵袭。” 最近来自其他非洲国家的报告也表明农村地区艾滋病传染十分猖獗。 在这些数字背后,贫穷是人们遭受病痛折磨和打击的原因。农村人口如何谋生,如何获得足够的粮食,采取什么样的办法维持生存——这些生计问题不解决,艾滋病的肆虐是得不到解决的。

