E-learning, also known as distance learning, is an educational mode of content transmission and fast learning by the application

admin2020-06-30  13

问题    E-learning, also known as distance learning, is an educational mode of content transmission and fast learning by the application of information technology and Internet technology. E-learning is a new way of education generated from the development of modern information technology. Compared to the traditional education, it can break the limits of time and space, and make the places of learning and channels of acquiring knowledge flexible. Based on its characteristics and advantages, e-learning gradually enters people’s life and becomes a mainstream trend of learning.


答案 在线教育,也称为远程教育,是指通过应用信息科技和互联网技术进行内容传播和快速学习的教育模式。在线教育是随着现代信息技术的发展而产生的一种新型教育方式。与传统教育相比,它可以打破时空的限制,使学习的场所和获取知识的渠道灵活多变。基于在线教育的特点和优势,在线教育逐渐走进大众的生活,成为一种学习的主流趋势。

解析 1.第一句主干部分为“在线教育是指……的教育模式”,其中“也称为远程教育”是插入语,翻译时保留其在原文的位置,译为also known as distance learning,而“通过应用信息科技和互联网技术进行内容传播和快速学习”是“教育模式”的前置定语,由于这一定语过长,翻译时可将其后置。“信息科技”译为information technology;“互联网技术”译为Internet technology;“内容传播”译为content transmission;“快速学习”译为fast learning。
3.第三句翻译时可使用表示并列关系的连接词and来连接。“与……相比”的惯用表达方式为“compare to/with…”;“时空”译为time and space。
4.第四句中,后两个分句是这句话的主句,第一个分句可译为状语部分。“基于”的惯用表达方式为base on。
