A、A new insurance policy. B、A license plate. C、A driver’s license. D、A signed contract. A

admin2018-06-06  29

W: Good afternoon!
M: Good afternoon! I’ve come to report a car accident. There’s been an accident with our Buick. Here’s the policy.
W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. No one was hurt, I hope?
M: No, but the car was badly damaged.
W: When did it happen?
M: Last night, on the highway in the suburbs. Will you send someone along to check up on it?
W: Yes, of course. Would you please fill out the declaration form first?
M: All right... By the way, we have bought another Buick. We want to have it insured against accidents as well.
W: Very well. Is it a new one?
M: Yes, brand new.
W: How much did it cost you?
M: 250,000 yuan.
W: When did you get it?
M: The day before yesterday.
W: That’s May 8th. What’s the number of you license plate, please?
M: It’s B-37793.
W: Thank you. Show me the driver’s license, please.
M: Here you are.
W: Now here’s the contract. Please go over it, and then sign it, and also the duplicate. Will you put your signature here?
M: Sure.
W: Here’s your new insurance policy.
11. Where does the conversation probably take place?
12. When does the conversation take place?
13. What’s the number of the man’s license plate?
14. At the end of the conversation, what does the woman give the man?

选项 A、A new insurance policy.
B、A license plate.
C、A driver’s license.
D、A signed contract.


