
admin2011-02-09  60

问题     中国与东盟国家,山水相连,唇齿相依。引以为豪的是,我们拥有上千年的传统友谊和贸易往来的悠久历史。令人欣喜的是,我们今天相互首选对方,组建经济共同体——中国—东盟自由贸易区。中国与东盟的经贸关系历史上从来没有像今天这么密切、这么活跃,已步入了黄金时期。而这一关系的发展已经证明并将进一步证明,它是双方共同需要的体现,它惠及东亚经济乃至于世界经济的增长。//
    1.双方贸易增幅大,中国海关统计数据显示,1978年,中国与东盟贸易额仅为8.59亿美元。至1991年增长为79.6亿美元,十三年间增长了8倍。而近十五年间,从1991年至 2005年,中国与东盟贸易额从79.6亿美元增长到1303.7亿美元,增长了15倍,年均增长率高达20%,这一增长率超过了同期中国和东盟各自的对外贸易增长率。2006年上半年较上年同期,中国与东盟贸易额增长了21.68%,达727亿美元。//
    2.中国由贸易顺差转为贸易逆差,贸易结构不断优化。1991年,中国与东盟贸易额占中国对外贸易额的5.9%。近十多年,中国对外贸易额从1991年的1357亿美元增长到2005年的14221亿美元,增长了9倍,中国与东盟贸易额占中国对外贸易额的比重上升为2005年的9.2%  //
    2005年,在东盟的对外贸易中,中国排第四位;在中国的对外贸易中,东盟处第五位按国别来看,中国是越南的第一大贸易伙伴,是缅甸的第二大贸易伙伴,是新加坡、泰国、菲律宾的第三大贸易伙伴,是马来西亚、印尼、柬埔寨的第四大贸易伙伴,是老挝的第五大贸易伙伴  在中国对外贸易中的前十大贸易伙伴中,新加坡是中国第七大贸易伙伴,马来西亚是中国第八大贸易伙伴。//
    1991年,中国自东盟进口38.2亿美元,而2005年则高达750亿美元,增长了近19倍,东盟成为中国第三大进口来源地。1991年,中国向东盟出口41.4亿美元,而2005年则高达 553.7亿美元,增长了12倍。1991年,中国与东盟贸易额中,中国顺差3.2亿美元,而 2005年中国逆差196.3亿美元。1991年,中国与东盟贸易产品中,以初级产品、轻纺产品为主,发展到2005年则以工业制成品为主,其中机电产品名列榜首。//


答案 China and ASEAN countries are close and interdependent neighbors. We boast over one thousand years of traditional friendship and a long history of economic exchanges. To our delight, today, we are each other’s first choice as a partner for building an economic community—China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (ETA). China- ASEAN trade has ushered in a golden age featuring unprecedented close and dynamic economic ties. The development of such economic ties has already proved and will continue to prove the shared need of both sides and beneficial to economic growth in East Asia and the world at large. // The past fifteen years have witnessed a huge increase in China-ASEAN trade volume, a rising proportion of the bilateral trade to our respective total foreign trade, a fast growth of mutual investment and more and more ASEAN projects undertaken by Chinese contractors. // 1. Bilateral trade has increased by large margins. The statistics from China’s General Administration of Customs show that in 1978, China-ASEAN trade volume was only $ 859 million. By 1991, the figure has risen to $7.96 billion, an increase of 8 times over a span of 13 years. Over the 15 years from 1991 to 2005, the bilateral trade has jumped from $7.96 billion to $130.37 billion, an increase of 15 times with an average annual increase of 20%, which surpassed the increase rate of China and ASEAN’s respective foreign trade over the same period. In the first half of 2006, China-ASEAN trade volume increased by 21.68% to $ 72.7 billion over the same period last year. // 2. China has shifted from trade surplus to trade deficit with its trade structure constantly optimized. In 1991, China-ASEAN trade volume accounted for 5.9% of China’s total foreign trade volume. Over the last ten years and more, China’s foreign trade volume has increased from $135.7 billion in 1991 to $1.4221 trillion in 2005, an increase of 9 times. China-ASEAN trade volume accounted for 9.2% of China’s total foreign trade volume in 2005. // In 2005, China became the fourth largest trade partner of ASEAN, and ASEAN the fifth largest of China. In terms of countries rather than regions, China was the largest trade partner of Vietnam, the second largest of Myanmar, the third largest of Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines, the fourth largest of Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia, and the fifth largest of Laos. Among China’s top ten trade partners, Singapore ranked the seventh, and Malaysia the eighth. // China imported from ASEAN $ 3. 82 billion worth of products in 1991, and as much as $ 75 billion in 2005, an increase of nearly 19 times, making ASEAN China’s third largest source of import. In 1991, China’s export to ASEAN was $4.14 billion, and the figure reached $55.37 billion in 2005, up 12 times. China had a surplus of $ 320 million in its trade with ASEAN in 1991 and a deficit of $19. 63 billion in 2005. In 1991. China’s trade with ASEAN was mainly in primary and textile products, while by 2005, the focus of trade has shifted to manufactured products with machinery and electronic products topping the list. // (From "China and ASEAN: A Summary of Economic and Trade Cooperation over the Past Fifteen Years" delivered by Xu Ningning, Executive Vice Secretary-general of China ASEAN Businese Council, at the China-ASEAN Summit Forum)

