A happy marriage apparently is good medicine, but hostile spouses may be harmful to one another’s health. Couples in conflic

admin2016-02-04  48

问题     A happy marriage apparently is good medicine, but hostile spouses may be harmful to one another’s health.
    Couples in conflicted marriages take longer than the happily married to heal from all kinds of wounds, from minor scrapes(擦伤)or athletic injuries to major surgery, suggests a study carried out over the weekend.
    And the health toll taken by a stressful job seems to be eased when the worker has a pleasurable home life.
    This new research, reported at an American Psychosomatic Society meeting, adds to growing evidence that marriage has an impact on health.
    In the wound healing study, 42 couples agreed to let researchers use a device to create several minor wounds on their skin in two sessions about two months apart. The first time, couples were told to discuss a neutral topic; the next time they were given half an hour to resolve an issue or two on which they disagreed. Their discussions were monitored.
    Couples took longer to heal when asked to discuss points of conflict than neutral issues. Hostile couples—attacking each other with criticism, sarcasm—healed the slowest. It took them 40% longer, or two more days, to heal, and they also produced less of the proteins linked to healing.


答案 幸福的婚姻显然是一剂良药,而针锋相对的夫妻关系则可能对彼此的健康产生不利影响。 上周末进行的一项研究结果表明,如果夫妻二人的婚姻生活总是充满冲突,那么他们身体受的所有创伤,无论是轻微擦伤、运动损伤还是大手术,其伤口的愈合速度总要慢于婚姻幸福者。 此外,如果拥有快乐的家庭生活,由于工作压力对健康造成的损害也会有所缓解。 这一新的研究成果在美国身心健康学会的一次会议上发布,为婚姻能够影响健康的理论又增添了新的证据。 在有关伤口愈合速度的研究中,共有42对夫妻同意让研究者使用器械在他们的皮肤上制造几个微小的创伤。实验在两个不同的阶段分别进行,期间间隔两个月左右的时间。第一阶段,夫妇们被要求讨论某个中立的话题,第二阶段则要花费半小时的时间,解决一至两个他们意见相左的问题。整个讨论过程均在监控下进行。 当一对夫妇被要求讨论某些有争议的话题时,其伤口愈合速度比讨论中立论题时要慢一些。而相互批评、挖苦,彼此充满敌意的夫妇,伤口愈合速度则最慢。他们要比别人多花费40%或多花两天的时间才能痊愈,而且患处产生的有助于伤口愈合的蛋白质也要少一些。

