At the theater Hargraves was known as an all-round dialect comedian, having a large repertoire of German, Irish, Swede, and blac

admin2017-04-27  71

问题 At the theater Hargraves was known as an all-round dialect comedian, having a large repertoire of German, Irish, Swede, and black-face specialties. But Mr. Hargraves was ambitious, and often spoke of his great desire to succeed in legitimate comedy.
This young man appeared to conceive a strong fancy for Major Talbot. Whenever that gentleman would begin his Southern reminiscences, or repeat some of the liveliest of the anecdotes, Hargraves could always be found, the most attentive among his listeners. For a time the Major showed an inclination to discourage the advances of the " play actor," as he privately termed him; but soon the young man’s agreeable manner and indubitable appreciation of the old gentleman’s stories completely won him over.
It was not long before the two were like old chums. The Major set apart each afternoon to read to him the manuscript of his book. During the anecdotes Hargraves never failed to laugh at exactly the right point. The Major was moved to declare to Miss Lydia one day that young Hargraves possessed remarkable perception and a gratifying respect for the old regime. And when it came to talking of those old days—if Major Talbot liked to talk, Mr. Hargraves was entranced to listen.
Like almost all old people who talk of the past, the Major loved to linger over details. In describing the splendid, almost royal, days of the old planters, he would hesitate until he had recalled the name of the negro who held his horse, or the exact date of certain minor happenings, or the number of bales of cotton raised in such a year; but Hargraves never grew impatient or lost interest. On the contrary, he would advance questions on a variety of subjects connected with the life of that time, and he never failed to extract ready replies.


答案 哈格雷夫斯多才多艺,在剧团里是出了名的方言喜剧演员,有不少的保留节目,尤其擅长德语、爱尔兰语、瑞典语和黑人的语言。但是,小伙子并不满足,他常常谈起自己的伟大理想,那就是要在正统喜剧里出人头地。 小伙子好像特别喜欢塔尔博特少校。只要少校一开口,讲起南方的那些陈年旧事,或是又提起那几桩最精彩的轶事来,你总能在他身边找到哈格雷夫斯,听众中,数他听得最入神。 有一度,少校好像不怎么接受这位“戏子”(少校私下里这么叫他);但是不久,这个年轻人便以他讨人喜欢的举止以及对老先生的故事所表现出的那种毋庸置疑的喜爱,完全赢得了少校的欢心。 没过多久,两人便像老朋友一般了。少校每天下午都会腾出时间,给他读自己的书稿。每回听到精彩之处,哈格雷夫斯总会适时地捧腹大笑。为此,少校很是感动。有一天,他郑重其事地对莉迪亚小姐说:“别看哈格雷夫斯年纪轻轻的,他对旧体制的了解还真不少,而且,对旧的体制从不鄙视,这让我太开心了。”说的也是,只要塔尔博特少校愿意,一讲起以前的那些日子来,哈格雷夫斯先生总会听得如痴如醉。 人一上了年纪,说起以前的事来几乎都会在各种细枝末节上唠叨来唠叨去,少校也不例外。聊起以前那些庄园主美好的、几乎如帝王般的生活来,他就会在那儿琢磨来琢磨去,直到记起替他牵马的那个黑人的名字,或是想起某件小事发生的确切日子,再或是回忆起哪一年棉花收成的具体包数。哈格雷夫斯呢,从来都不嫌烦,或是觉得兴趣索然。相反,对那段生活,他还会提出各种各样的问题,而且又总能在少校自己的话语中寻到现成的答案。

