He obviously stands a good chance of getting the post, as he is well______the more influential members of the committee.

admin2018-06-29  85

问题 He obviously stands a good chance of getting the post, as he is well______the more influential members of the committee.

选项 A、on with
B、in with
C、up to
D、down to


解析 关注点:特殊词组的熟悉与应用。就英语的词组而言,常为英语学习者所熟悉的大抵可归为三类:一是动宾搭配词组(如:stand a good chance),二是介词词组(如:in the wake of),三是形容词词组(如:to be envious of…),但有两类词组并未受到广泛、应有的重视,即:1.be动词+副词+介词(如: “She is up to no good.”),2.实意动词+副词+介词(如: “The wolf came from behind a tree.”)。就这类词组的表意功能而言,很多时候,有些细微、深刻、形象的思想表达是其他词组难以完成的。以汉语“她中圈套了”一语的表达为例,英语的“She is in for the trap.”既形象又简洁。再以“她先跟你套近乎”为例, “She first cash in on you.”一语既形象生动,其思想的表达又入木三分。如果读者缺乏对这两类词组的熟悉,不但答题会受阻,汉英翻译时也时常会遇到障碍。就本案而言,题干语句的结构明显由“因果关系”连接而成:主句是“结果”,第二句是“原因”。就四个选项而言,只有“he is well in with the…”的意思才能成为“He obviously stands a good chance of getting…”的“原因”。此案例对大家的暗示不言而喻:需要多掌握一些这类的词组,这对尽可能多地扫除答题的盲点无疑大有裨益。
