May I have your attention? All participants who have signed up for courses in Spanish, Latin, or Italian will be attending an or

admin2011-01-20  61

问题     May I have your attention? All participants who have signed up for courses in Spanish, Latin, or Italian will be attending an orientation session in the Fraser Building, directly in front of the main offices. Please go immediately to the lobby, where you will be able to find class lists for these courses.


答案 May l have your at|ten|tion? (↗) ? All par|ti|ci|pants ? who have signed up for cours|es in Span|ish, (↗) ? Lat|in, (↗) ? or l|tal|ian, (↘) ? will be at|tend|ing an o|ri|en|ta|tion ses|sion ? in the Fra|ser Build|ing, ? di|rect|ly in front of the main of|fic|es. ? Please go im|med|i|ate|ly to the lob|by, ? where you will be a|ble to find ? class lists for these cours|es.

