SAN FRANCISCO—The attack had the hallmarks of something researchers had dreaded for years: malicious software using artificial i

admin2019-11-20  57

问题    SAN FRANCISCO—The attack had the hallmarks of something researchers had dreaded for years: malicious software using artificial intelligence that could lead to a new digital arms race in which A.I.-driven defenses battled A.I.-driven offenses while humans watched from the sidelines.
   But what was not as widely predicted was that one of the earliest instances of that sort of mal-ware was found in India, not in a sophisticated British banking system or a government network in the United States. As India rushes to go online, it provides a fertile testing ground for hackers trying their skills in an environment where they can evade detection before deploying them against a company or state that has more advanced defenses. The cyberattack in India used malware that could learn as it was spreading, and altered its methods to stay in the system for as long as possible. Those were "early indicators" of A.I., according to the cybersecurity company Darktrace. Essentially, the malware could figure out its surroundings and mimic the behavior of the system’s users, though Darktrace said the firm had found the program before it could do any damage.
   At times, these attacks are simply targeting more susceptible victims. While companies in the United States will often employ half a dozen security firms’ products as defensive measures, a similar company elsewhere may have just one line of defense—if any. In the case of attacks carried out by a nation-state, companies in the United States can hope to receive a warning or assistance from the federal government, while companies elsewhere will often be left to fend for themselves.
   Cybersecurity experts now speculate that a February 2016 attack on the central bank of Bangladesh was a precursor to similar attacks on banks in Vietnam and Ecuador. That hackers managed to steal $81 million from the Bangladesh Bank generated headlines because of the size of the heist. But what interested cybersecurity experts was that attackers had taken advantage of a previously unexplored weakness in the bank’ s computers by undermining its accounts on Swift, the international money transfer system that banks use to move billions of dollars among themselves each day.
According to the last paragraph, the method cyberattack used against the central bank of Bangladesh is______.

选项 A、destroying the account on Swift
B、hacking into the bank’s computer system
C、stealing $81 million from the bank
D、mimicking the action of the network


解析 细节题。根据题干关键词定位到文章最后一段第三句attackers had taken advantage of…,该句意为“黑客通过破坏银行的Swift账户,利用了银行计算机系统以前不为人知的一个弱点”。由此可知,A项“破坏银行的Swift账户”符合文意,其中A项关键词destroy是undermine的同义替换。B项“入侵银行电脑系统"表述范围宽泛。C项“窃取8 100万美元”是这次网络攻击的结果,并不是攻击采用的方法。D项“模仿网络的行为”在本段并未提及,故本题选A。
