以往几个世纪人口的增长并不能证明人口会无限地直线向上增长直到毁灭的地步。相反地,人口统计史料证明人口的增长完全不是稳定的。若技术革新的成果开始减少,从250到350年前就在西方开始出现的并且目前还在继续的人口迅速增长可能也会放慢。 当然,当前的知识

admin2018-06-06  30

问题     以往几个世纪人口的增长并不能证明人口会无限地直线向上增长直到毁灭的地步。相反地,人口统计史料证明人口的增长完全不是稳定的。若技术革新的成果开始减少,从250到350年前就在西方开始出现的并且目前还在继续的人口迅速增长可能也会放慢。


答案 The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom. On the contrary, demographic history offers evidence that population growth has not been at all constant. The present rapid growth, which began in the West between 250 and 350 years ago, may also slow down when, or if, technology begins to yield fewer innovations. Of course, the current knowledge revolution may continue without foreseeable end. Either way—contrary to popular belief in constant geometric growth—population can be expected in the long run to adjust to productivity. And when one takes this view, population growth is seen to represent economic progress and human triumph rather than social failure.

