Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand. Pattaya, on the eastern coast of t

admin2014-02-15  2.1K+

问题     Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand. Pattaya, on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand, is a cosmopolitan city dedicated to the pursuit of excitement, pleasure and adventure.
    Easy to get to from Bangkok by air conditioned bus, Pattaya offers every imaginable form of water sports, plentiful and affordable golf courses, and stimulating nightlife.
    In the last few years Pattaya has, in an effort to broaden its appeal to family vacationers, toned down some of the rowdy behavior that had given it a dubious reputation. But you will still find a profusion of clubs and cabarets which cater to every taste and persuasion, and Pattaya’s famously charming hostesses will still delight all your senses. Pattaya is the ideal destination for those seeking non-stop entertainment. It has boisterous bars, clamorous discos and tumultuous nightclubs. Visitors seeking deserted and unpolluted beaches and a laid-back atmosphere should go elsewhere.


答案 沙滩、阳光和尽情挥洒的快乐使芭堤雅成为泰国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,这个位于泰国湾东岸的国际大都市是个追求刺激、快乐和冒险的好地方。 从曼谷乘空调车前往芭堤雅十分方便。芭堤雅为游客提供各种形式的水上运动和多种符合大众消费水平的高尔夫球场,还有刺激的夜生活。 芭堤雅的狂欢活动曾使其声誉受到影响,近几年来,为了吸引更多的家庭团体游客,芭堤雅努力减少了喧闹的活动,但适合不同品味和信仰的夜总会和歌舞餐馆仍然很多,迷人的女招待仍会令人情绪高涨。芭堤雅是一个尽情狂欢的理想去处,这里有热闹的酒吧、欢乐的迪斯科舞厅和充满激情的夜总会,而寻求静谧清洁的海滩和悠闲氛围的游客则只能另寻他处了。

解析 1、本段介绍泰国旅游城市芭堤雅,有较强的宣传色彩,所以要着重关注描述性语汇的翻译,以调动受众的情感,如stimulating,charming,ideal等。
2、第1段第1句的Sand,sun and fun包含头韵(alliteration)和尾韵(rhyme),泽文照义直译,又根据原文情景增译了“尽情挥洒”一词,以渲染效果。
4、第2段第1句的every imaginable/conceivable form/kind/shape/size/height是英文中非常实用的表达结构,一般译为“各种各样”、“应有尽有”或“一应俱全”,如:There arestalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.(小货摊上出售的货物各种各样,应有尽有。)
5、第3段第1、2句语义联系紧密,故译为一句话。另外,遇到多义词,需根据上下文判断其具体词义,如第2句的persuasion作belief解,hostesses意为women employed to welcome and entertain people at a night—club,故分别译为“信仰”和“女招待”。
6、词义有褒贬,翻译需适境。将第3段倒数第2句的boisterous bars,clamorous discos and tumultuous nightclubs译为“热闹的酒吧、欢乐的迪斯科舞厅和充满激情的夜总会”就是考虑了褒贬的转换,如果将boisterous,clamorous和tumultuous按其原义分别译为“喧闹的”、“喧哗的”和“喧嚣的”显然效果不好。
