
admin2017-06-12  45

问题     沙漠里真有魔鬼吗?在那时人们的知识水平看起来,确像是有魔鬼在作怪。但是人们掌握了自然规律以后,便可把这种光怪陆离的现象说清楚。这种现象在大戈壁夏天中午是常见的。当人们旅行得渴不可耐的时候,忽然看见一个很大的湖,里面蓄着碧蓝的清水,看来并不很远。当人们欢天喜地向大湖奔去的时候,这蔚蓝的湖却总有那么一个距离,所谓“可望而不可即”。 阿拉伯人是对沙漠广有经验的民族,阿拉伯语中称这一现象为“魔鬼的海”。


答案Are there devils in the deserts? Taking into consideration of people’s knowledge at that time, devils seem to be the trouble-makers. However, people are able to provide an explanation of the bizarre phenomenon after they have learnt the laws of nature. This phenomenon is always observed in the Gobi desert during noontime in summer. Travelers who are dying of thirst suddenly see a large lake, which is full of clear water and not far away. However, when they run towards it with boundless joy, the journey is endless. That is what we call "within sight but beyond reach".

解析 1.画线部分第一句中“有”可翻译成there be句型。
2.画线部分第二句中“作怪”的含义即为“找麻烦”,可译为make troubles,全句翻译中可将动词转化成名词,将“确像是有魔鬼在作怪”翻译成devils seem to be the trouble—makers。
3.画线部分第三句中,“光怪陆离的现象”可翻译为the bizarre phenomenon,“自然规律”可翻译为the laws of nature。
4.画线部分第四句中的翻译可使用被动语态,以增加整段文字句式的多样性。本句中“戈壁”可翻译为Gobi desert。
5.画线部分第五句中,“人们旅行得渴不可耐”可翻译为Travelers who are dying of thirst。
6.画线部分第六句中,“欢天喜地”可翻译为with的介词短语with boundless joy,“总有那么一个距离”可理解为人们奔向大湖的路程是无止境的,故可意译为the journey is endless,“可望而不可即”可翻译为within sight but beyond reach。
