A、It lasts 16 hours in all. B、It is flexible in time. C、It can also be attended in evenings. D、It is suitable for intermediate l

admin2015-03-28  30

W: Department of Art, Design and Media. Can I help you?
M: Yes. I’d like some information about photography courses.
W: Let me just get the prospectus... OK, well, we do have several different courses. I’ll just run through them for you. The first is "Introducing Photography". That runs for ten weeks and it’s a foundation-level course, so it’s for people just beginning in photography.
M: Right.
W: That’s on Monday evenings, from 6:30 to 9:30. Next, there’ s  "Black and White Photography", which is at intermediate level, so you would need some previous experience for that one. And you also have to have an interview with a tutor beforehand.
M: Sounds interesting. Which evening is it on?
W: It’s a daytime course, actually. From 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. That’s also for ten weeks.
M: That’s a pity, I work on Tuesday afternoons.
W: There’s also "Landscape Photography", which is on Tuesday evenings, from 6:30 to 9:00. That’s a longer course than the others, it runs for sixteen weeks.
M: And do you need previous experience for that one?
W: Let me just check... Mm, it’s advanced level. So yes, you would, and again you’d have to be interviewed beforehand. OK... then the only other one we do is "The Art of Digital Photography".
M: I’m not sure that’s for me, but which evening is it?
W: It’s a flextime course. It’s on Wednesday, but you can do it at any time to suit you during the daytime.
M: How many weeks is that?
W: It’s up to you, really. You have to do 60 hours in all. And again, there’s an interview.
M: That’s OK.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. Why does the man call the woman?
13. When is "Black and White Photography" on?
14. Which course mentioned in the conversation doesn’t need an interview?
15. What does the woman say about "The Art of Digital Photography" ?

选项 A、It lasts 16 hours in all.
B、It is flexible in time.
C、It can also be attended in evenings.
D、It is suitable for intermediate learners.


解析 女士说The Art of Digital Photography.是一门上课时间不固定的课程(a flextime course),可以在周三白天的任何时间上课,B)为原文的同义转述,故为答案。
