A:我有很多朋友平时想买点书看、想学习,但问题是他们一般读个两到三章就不读了,他们会为此感到非常内疚,也不会买另外的书看,因为他们想把前面这本书先看完。这就是我们从小到大被灌输的理念,做事要善始善终。我感觉大家到现在还是觉得读书是一个线性的事情。 B: W

admin2022-08-12  38

A: I have so many friends who want to buy books and want to learn. But the problem is, they buy a book, they start it, they get two or three chapters in, and then they stop reading.1 And then they feel bad that they’ve stopped reading. They don’t pick up another book because they know they want to finish this book. We’ve been taught that once we start something, we have to finish it. I think that so often we view reading as this linear thing.
A: What I meant by reading being a linear thing is that most people believe we have to read cover to cover whereas I hold a different view of reading. When I think of reading a book, I would ask myself the following questions: What information do I need out of this book? Is that an entertainment read? Do I need to read from start to finish? Is it a read where I’m comparing different views on a similar problem, especially across non-fiction? If I am comparing and contrasting two or three different authors’ argumentation or views on a particular subject, I might not need to read the whole book but a chapter to get everything out of that book.
A: Exactly, the books are there to serve you. The book is your property. You don’t have to feel bad about putting down a book. It’s the author’s job to pull you into the book. It’s your job to extract what you need out of the book. And I think you can just read the table of contents, the introduction, or maybe just the conclusion, and skim a little bit to extract what you need.
A: That’s not true. The common reason for most people to read is skill development2. For example, you want to learn about leadership, then the right way is to narrow down the aspect of leadership, which is much more beneficial from a learning perspective. For instance, you would want to learn how to lead a small team for the first time or how to hold team meetings, or use other methods to break it down, and then hone in on this particular category. Pick up a bunch of leadership books, but read just for those specific categories across the books.


答案A:我有很多朋友平时想买点书看、想学习,但问题是他们一般读个两到三章就不读了,他们会为此感到非常内疚,也不会买另外的书看,因为他们想把前面这本书先看完。这就是我们从小到大被灌输的理念,做事要善始善终。我感觉大家到现在还是觉得读书是一个线性的事情。 B: What do you mean by reading being a linear thing? To tell you the truth, I totally get it. I am that kind of person. In every year’s New Year’s Resolution, I would vow to read a certain number of books every month. However, such detailed plans would just turn into empty promises every year. In the end, I can never finish one book. A:我说大家觉得阅读是线性的意思就是,大家认为看书应该从第一页看到最后一页,但我对此有另一种看法。当我考虑读一本书的时候就会问自己这些问题:我想从书里学到点什么?读这本书是单纯图个好玩还是说有必要从第一页读到最后一页?还是说读这本书是为了比较对同一问题的不同观点,尤其是当我阅读非虚构类作品时?如果我想做的确实是比较两到三位作者对某一个具体问题的观点,那就没有必要读完一整本书,读一章就够了。 B: I think I am beginning to see your point. You are saying that how you read a book should be determined by what you want to achieve through reading. A:是的,书本应该是服务于读者的.你是这本书的所有者,没有必要因为自己看不下去而感到自责。吸引读者一直读下去是作者的任务,读者的任务是从这本书中提炼出自己需要的信息。所以,我认为读书你就读一个目录、读一个前言,或者就只读个结论,然后中间浮光掠影地看一看、提炼自己需要的信息也就够了。 B: But if you just skim a lot of books, you may learn nothing in the end. A:其实不然。许多人读书可能只是为了习得某个技能,比方说你想学习有关领导力的知识。那么正确的方法是把领导力这个概念的范围缩小,这样才能获得更好的学习效果。例如,你可能想学习第一次该如何带领一个小团队,或是如何开好团队会议,也可以运用其他把这个宽泛的概念缩小的方法,然后再去有针对性地学习相应的内容。你可以搜罗许许多多关于领导力的书,但是只需要读这些书中相对应的那一小部分内容即可。

