Bartholdi originally planned for his statue to be a Muslim peasant woman guarding the approach to the Suez Canal. Instead, she s

admin2019-08-08  8

问题    Bartholdi originally planned for his statue to be a Muslim peasant woman guarding the approach to the Suez Canal. Instead, she stands in New York Harbor, and we should not forget her message in this moment of fear.
   【F1】The Statue of Liberty was originally conceived as a Muslim peasant woman and was to have stood at the approach to the Suez Canal, a lantern in her upraised hand serving as both lighthouse and a symbol of progress. But the sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi of France, proved unable to sell the idea to the khedive of Egypt (埃及总督), Ishma’il Pasha. Bartholdi remained determined to erect a statue on the scale of the one in ancient Rhodes. 【F2】He sailed to America with drawings of the Muslim woman transformed to the personification of Liberty.
   At first, Bartholdi considered the tip of Manhattan and Central Park as possible sites. He was on a ferry to Staten Island when he decided that Bedloe’s Island would be just the spot. 【F3】And there she now stands, the Muslim woman turned to Lady Liberty, the light in her upraised hand symbolizing so much more than simple progress, the inscription at the base words from one poet that are familiar to us all: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! " The French largely paid for the statue; not the central government, but some 180 municipalities, including Paris. Private citizens also contributed, among them descendants of French soldiers who fought in our Revolutionary War. French school kids kicked in centimes.
   The pedestal was largely financed by Americans. Newspaper owner Joseph Pulitzer pledged to publish the names of all those who donated. They included thousands of school kids who kicked in pennies. A kindergarten class came up with $1.35. 【F4】A11 those school-kid coins came to mind as you stood inside the long closed head and reached up to feel the copper overhead. When you peered out the small windows to the left, you could see the Manhattan skyline, most notable not for what was there, but what was not. 【F5】The Twin Towers were still gone, yet the very fact that you could again peer out Lady Liberty’s crown imparted a sense that America was recovering itself.



解析 ①本句是一个并列句。②分句1是被动句,be conceived as…意为“构想成……样子”;分句2是主系表结构,表语由不定式短语充当(to have...approach),其后跟有后置定语to the Suez Canal修饰approach,说明这是通往苏伊士运河的通道。③逗号后的伴随状语较长(a lantern...progress),这里使用独立主格的形式表示。现在分词短语serving as…的逻辑主语是a lantern,说明这举起的火炬不仅是充当灯塔,还是前进的象征。
