
admin2019-04-11  81

问题     沙博理给自己取了中文名字“沙博理”,意思是“博学明理”。1951—1966年间,沙博理共翻译了111部作品,发表在《中国文学》,总计3237页。“文革”十年里,沙博理翻译了他最具影响力的《水浒传》,甚至把他卷入了一场同“四人帮”的斗争。据他回忆,他的译本书名原为Heroes of the Marsh,可是“四人帮”觉得《水浒传》里的人物不能标榜为“heroes”,要他更换书名。沙博理提出用outlaws,看似贬义,他仍然认为是褒义的,可以应付“四人帮”。这个《水浒传》译本为沙博理赢得了极大声誉,他为此荣获中国文联颁发的“翻译终身成就奖”。


答案 Sidney Shapiro adopted the Chinese name of Sha Boli, which means knowledgeable and sagacious. In the five years from 1951 to 1966, he translated and published in Chinese Literature a total of 111 pieces of works, equaling 3237 pages. During the decade of the Culture Revolution, he completed the translation of his most influential work Outlaws of the Marsh, which even dragged him into a dispute with the "Gang of Four" . As Shapiro recalled, the "Gang of Four" thought that the original title Heroes of the Marsh improperly boosted the figures in the novel as "heroes" , so they urged him to change it. To deal with the command from the "Gang of Four", Shapiro suggested using "outlaws" instead, which is seeming derogative but in fact commendatory. His translation of Outlaws of the Marsh won a great reputation for him, therefore he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC). Young Shapiro received his education in America. Naturally, his social value and aesthetic sense had American characteristics. He moved to China and was influenced by Chinese culture afterwards. Both his autobiography and speeches revealed his love for China. "Fengzi is more than my wife. As an inseparable part of China, she is like an endless brook running between China and me. In its midst flows the essence of a nation, culture and society. " he wrote in his autobiography.

解析     本文属于介绍类说明文体,简要介绍了著名翻译家沙博理的生平。沙博理(Sidney Shapiro),华籍美裔犹太人,著名翻译家、作家,1963年,经周恩来总理批准加入中国国籍。1951年起沙博理作为外国专家担任翻译和编辑,专事汉英翻译长达50年,为新中国文学翻译事业和对外文化交流做出了杰出贡献。他热爱中国、热爱中华文化,以“中国人”的文化身份解读所译中国作品,以“文化间”双重身份操作自己的翻译,以“英语读者”的视角把握译文表达,其翻译模式被称为“沙博理翻译模式”。
