Athens and Sparta were both Greek cities and their people spoke a common language. In every other respect they were different. A

admin2016-09-27  85

问题 Athens and Sparta were both Greek cities and their people spoke a common language. In every other respect they were different. Athens rose high from the plain. It was a city exposed to the fresh breezes from the sea, willing to look at the world with the eyes of a happy child. Sparta, on the other hand, was built at the bottom of a deep valley, and used the surrounding mountains as a barrier against foreign thought. Athens was a city of busy trade. Sparta was an armed camp where people were soldiers for the sake of being soldiers. The people of Athens loved to sit in the sun and discuss poetry or listen to the wise words of a philosopher. The Spartans, on the other hand, never wrote a single line that was considered literature, but they knew how to fight, they liked to fight, and they sacrificed all human emotions to their ideal of military preparedness.
No wonder that these sombre Spartans viewed the success of Athens with malicious hate. The energy which the defence of the common home had developed in Athens was now used for purposes of a more peaceful nature. The Acropolis was rebuilt and was made into a marble shrine to the Goddess Athena. Pericles, the leader of the Athenian democracy, sent far and wide to find famous sculptors and painters and scientists to make the city more beautiful and the young Athenians more worthy of their home. At the same time he kept a watchful eye on Sparta and built high walls which connected Athens with the sea and made her the strongest fortress of that day.
An insignificant quarrel between two little Greek cities led to the final conflict. For thirty years the war between Athens and Sparta continued. It ended in a terrible disaster for Athens.
During the third year of the war the plague had entered the city. More than half of the people and Pericles, the great leader, had been killed. The plague was followed by a period of bad and untrustworthy leadership. A brilliant young fellow by the name of Alcibiades had gained the favor of the popular assembly. He suggested a raid upon the Spartan colony of Syracuse in Sicily. An expedition was equipped and everything was ready.


答案 雅典和斯巴达在过去都是希腊城邦,它们的人民讲同一种语言。但除此之外,他们毫无共同之处。雅典城在平原上拔地而起,吹拂着习习海风,它以一个快乐孩童的目光观察着世界万物。而斯巴达建于深谷底部,以周围的山脉来阻挡外来思想的传播。雅典城贸易繁荣,而斯巴达全副武装,全民皆兵。雅典人喜欢坐在阳光下讨论诗歌,或是聆听智者的教诲。而斯巴达人从来不写任何文学的东西,但他们熟知战争战术,他们喜欢战争,并把所有的情感都投入到了军事备战中去。 这样的话,阴郁的斯巴达人对希腊人的成功怀有恶意也就不足为奇了。雅典人培育了保卫共同家园的精神,使他们形成了爱好和平的性格。雅典人把卫城重建成一座供奉雅典娜女神的大理石神庙。雅典民主的领袖——伯里克利四处寻找知名的雕刻家、画家和科学家来把卫城建造地美轮美奂,这些人也使雅典的年轻人身负才学,为雅典城增光添彩。与此同时,他也对斯巴达保持了警惕,修建了连接希腊与大海的高墙,期望有朝一日希腊城可以成为一座坚固的堡垒。 雅典与斯巴达之间微不足道的争论使他们最终走向了战争。两个城邦进行了持续30年的战争。最终雅典城被摧毁,战争告以结束。 在战争进行到第三个年头的时候,雅典爆发了瘟疫。超过半数的雅典人都死于这场瘟疫,他们伟大的领袖伯里克利也罹疾病故。紧接着,雅典领导层变得混乱而又无法赢得人民的信任。后来,一个叫亚西比德的优秀年轻人获得了公民大会的支持上台掌权。他建议突袭斯巴达在西西里岛的锡拉库扎殖民地。一场远征就此整装待发。

