
admin2018-01-01  43

问题     英国是最先开始探索代议制的国家。早在13世纪,英国议会就初具雏形,成为世界上最古老的议会。在中国,以民为本和依法治国的思想自古有之。约四千年前,夏禹时期就有“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”的说法。中国古人认为:“国无常强,无常弱,奉法者强则国强,奉法者弱则国弱。”两千多年前,中国就有了成文的法典。现在,中国人民正在全面推进依法治国,既吸收中华法制的优良传统,也借鉴世界各国法治的有益做法,目标就是坚持法律面前人人平等,加快建设中国特色社会主义法治体系。在这方面,两国的立法机关可以加强交流互鉴。


答案 Britain was the first country to establish the system of representative government. The British Parliament, which came into being in the 13th century, is the oldest parliament in the world. In China, the concept of "putting people first" and "following the rule of law" emerged in the ancient times. // About 4,000 years ago, during the reign of Yu the Great in the Xia Dynasty, there was already a saying that the people are the foundation of a country, and only with a stable foundation can a country enjoy peace. The ancient Chinese believed that "no country will stay strong or weak forever. He who abides by the law will make a country strong while he who fails to do so will make a country weak." China’s first code of statutes was compiled over 2,000 years ago. // Today, as Chinese people are advancing the rule of law in an all-round way, they draw inspiration from not only China’s own legal traditions, but also the best practices of the rule of law of other countries. Our goal is to ensure that all are equal before the law, and accelerate the development of system of socialist law-based governance with distinct Chinese features. The legislatures of our two countries should initiate / can have more exchanges to enhance mutual learning in this regard.

